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engine co 4 makes a great knock on a garage fire

the engine co was 1 block away returning to quarters from a mutual aid assist to homer fire for a house fire when they received this call...I was also 1 block away returning from the same house fire call when i heard this tone out.

This is amazing,because all the roads leading to this home were flooded out & there was intense fog which made travel nasty & slow.

filmed by:Todd Sherman

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Michael Bricault (ret) on December 27, 2009 at 2:35pm
-It is interesting to me to see how a moment in time, captured on video can be viewed by those of us that weren't there. I agree that these videos are an excellent teaching aid to the entire fire service however, we must all remember that we were not in fact there.
-I do agree that the clip does show some lackadaisical use of PPE, but again I wasn't there. I do not know if in fact members had entered the house and viewed the fire, its state of growth or even looked in through a window and verified that the fire was in the late state of decay and easily attacked.
-Despite these observations, I am in agreement that the use of PPE needs to be more aggressively enforced an the equipment used by firefighters in an effort to keep members safe.
-Some of the things that we can't see in this clip are; was the house searched? Was the condition of the fire and extension verified from inside the house? Is the garage actually attached to the living area and if so why wasn't the fire attacked from this location?
-As viewers of this video, we don't even know if this method of attack was in fact the best and most efficient. It very well may have been. All we do know is what we see and that is a nice slow and calm attack of a small fire in which these members act calmly and professionally, albeit with some minor PPE violations.
-From the posting we are informed that there were some response delays which could have made this situation a lot worse and therein is the reason for expecting the worst and defaulting back to the PPE usage.
-For those of us that have been in the service for a while; I'm certain we have all committed similar PPE sins. To our newer members; this is what not to do in so far as PPE usage is concerned.
-I do like the example of a nice slow and calm demeanor of these firefighters and that is an example that can be held up to our newer members.
-All in all this is a nice video.
Comment by Jason Ryan on August 4, 2009 at 4:40pm
Those are some nice packs!!! But be a little better if you would use them!!! Even though its small it could turn bad real fast!!!
Comment by Dave Stacy on July 2, 2009 at 1:12pm
Nice stop but could had been a close call if a more developed fire was behind that door....Vince and Rob are right, full PPE before you open that door
Comment by Vincent Gatti on July 2, 2009 at 12:32pm
Awesome stop, poor lesson on PPE use.
Comment by Rob Cannon on May 25, 2009 at 3:51pm
Great knock, but I have to ask, the guy who had a pack on his back... why didn"t he mask up? Where was the officer's pack?

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