Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

Dave Dodson
  • Thornton, Colorado
  • United States
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Dave Dodson's Friends

  • Daren Olson
  • Nick Ledin
  • Matthew Majestic
  • Sergio Selman
  • thomas s mehl
  • Brent Blamires
  • Shaun Linker
  • p.peluso1218
  • Eric Russell
  • Robert L. Whipple III
  • Kevin Duross
  • Jeremy Richardson
  • Debra Press-Costello
  • Bruce Parsons
  • Jesus Abay

Dave Dodson's Groups


Dave Dodson's Page

Profile Information

Lives in:
Thornton, Colorado
(retired) USAF, Parker, Loveland, and Eagle River (Colorado) Fire & Rescue Dept.(s)
Battalion Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Topics you provide training for:
Reading Smoke, Incident Safety Officer, First-Due tactics.
Areas of expertise:
Hardly an expert - but a decent "hack" at most firefighting topics.
25 years in the trenches - through the ranks to B/C. Been assigned to training, safety, emergency management, hazmat (technician). Spend most of my fire service time teaching out on the road and writing books, articles, etc. to help us become more safe.

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 7:43pm on March 2, 2016, Dave Owens said…

Chief Dodson,

 I am a retired Deputy Chief in Utah and currently a training liaison for Utah Fire & Rescue Academy. I am aslo the IC for Utah Fire and Rescue Academy's Winter Fire School. I invite you you to visit our website. I am trying to reach out to you and engage your services as an instructor/lecturer. We have one of the best Fire School's in the country. Would you be interested in coming here next January teaching a couple of your classes. My contact info is

At 9:29pm on April 25, 2012, Bruce Clark said…

Hey Dave,

It was good to see you again in Indy. Thanks for the DVD its great. I hope your trip back home was a good one. I'll be getting in contact with you again. The guys are asking when I'm having you back down.





At 3:03pm on February 27, 2012, Sergio Selman said…


I've been trying to get in contact with you because I read your column "Where's the smoke".  Think it's a "must read" for spanish speaking FF so wanted to talk with you to get your permit to translate it. Good for us (can get the knowledge), excellent for you (your teaching gets expanded to a h*** new world!).

Please let me know were to write you. Thanks!

At 4:03pm on September 11, 2011, Jeremy Richardson said…



I took your class this past winter in Columbia, MO at Winter Fire School. Your advice and class in general are both incredible! I was finally able to make the step from Volunteer into the paid Department, but I ended up moving across the country for it. I now live in Conyers, GA and work for Rockdale County Fire and Rescue. Today I mentioned that I had taken your class before to my Lieutenant and he was very eager to learn more about it. I was curious to know if you had any plans on coming to Georgia any time in the near future. If so, I'd love the opportunity to take your class again and to be able to purchase your DVD.

Let me know if you will be in the Southeast anytime soon and I'm sure several of the members on my Dept. would be extremely eager to attend as well. Please feel free to contact me via email at



Hope all is well and stay safe.


Jeremy Richardson

At 4:40pm on February 22, 2011, Jeff Miller said…



I also am trying to reach you regarding your "Art of Reading Smoke" DVD. I have some information I think you will find interesting.


Please contact me:

Jeff Miller

At 7:23am on August 22, 2010, Bruce Clark said…
Hey Dave,
I hope all is well out there. Drop me a line so we can catch up.
At 5:02pm on July 24, 2010, Jeff Bergstrom said…
Hey brother I have seen your reading smoke DVD but wondering if you have any classes up in NY or CT area would like to take your class on reading smoke
At 2:43pm on January 9, 2010, John Lewis said…
Hey Dave, just checked out my messages on FE Community, thanks for the good wishes hope all is well with you brother, May 2010 be a happy and Healthy one for you, hope to see you soon. JL
At 12:48pm on October 18, 2009, Jeff Bergstrom said…
Thanks for the class info keep me posted on the one in CT when it comes up and I will get a copy of your DVD

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