Brandon Roark
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Brandon Roark's Discussions

2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brandon Roark Nov 6, 2009.


Brandon Roark's Page

Profile Information

Lives in:
South Bend, Indiana
South Bend Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Admin, Training
Topics you provide training for:
Engine Company Ops.
Areas of expertise:
Fire Service history
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Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 10:48pm on August 23, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…

Good to hear from you! I look forward to sporting that shield. Stay safe out there in the worsening economy. We've had some fun lately, but I can't claim 3 or more fires a day! Keep at it!

At 11:13pm on August 20, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
How's the lad from the Old Dominion? I'm sending you an email with my address. What's up?
At 6:49pm on August 19, 2008, Sven Schievink said…
Thanks for the Add Brandon. Take Care Brother, Sven
At 5:14pm on August 9, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Welcome, to the greatest training site in the world! This is where the serious trainers come together and grow as a family. I would like to invite you to visit the HazMat Group called HazMat News & Training. Feel free to share your thoughts. Todd C. McKee
At 3:14pm on July 13, 2008, Brandon Roark said…
hey i finished two prototype shields for you. I have emailed you the images after their "to hell and back" test. let me know what you think?
At 3:48pm on July 3, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
Hey little Brother:

Thanks for the compliments. I'll be in Seattle for the FOOLS Convention next week, the 9th - 13th of July. If not then, maybe it'll be some time before we can hook up. It hasn't gotten cheaper to get out of Alaska.

Take Care, Be safe, Don't be a stranger. Don't forget where you come from.


At 12:09am on July 3, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
At 2:58pm on April 30, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
Now, I know you aren't able to get that good lookin' of a stache going you Irish ape. Besides, this guy looks Italian. I remember you looking more like a Grizzly on the Adkins diet.

What really cracks me up is that you couldn't even afford a bow tie. You had to paint one in.

KTF - Little Brother.


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