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Jason Hoevelmann's Blog (134)

Company Officer Daily Journal

This is a basic template you can use for daily journalling as a company officer. I am working on a full print version which will have additional resources included later on. Use this template and add what you need.

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 12, 2015 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Opposing Forces

A common question that is posed from current and prospective officers along with engaged firefighters is "how do you deal with superior officers or an organization that doesn't want to move forward?"  

First, it's not always the organization or the superior officers that are the sole problem. I've seen good, engaged, enthusiastic  firefighters circumvent the chain of command, rush into projects without regard to organizational needs and just plain and simple ignore the need to be…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 2, 2015 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Don't Wait for Your Ship, You Might Miss It!

In recent weeks I have had the opportunity to be involved in both sides of the promotional process: as a participant and as an interviewer.  Both are stressful and will challenge you.  You must be able to pull from your training, education, experience and coaching in both circumstances to arrive at a positive decision and hopefully with a successful outcome.

This post is going to focus on  being the participant in these processes.  In my classes on officer development I try to hammer…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on December 19, 2014 at 11:38am — No Comments

Figuring Out Hose Stretches: Company Drill from Engine House Training, LLC

Here is a quick drill for figuring out hose stretches for larger complexes or properties with long set backs. The key is to get out and figure this out long before the call comes in. Share and add your own information to it.

Company Drill for EHT Hose Stretch…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on November 3, 2014 at 10:39am — 1 Comment

Setting Up and Storing Webbing

Here is a quick video on setting up and storing your webbing. If you have other methods please share them!

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on October 28, 2014 at 8:58am — No Comments

Perimeter Search Company Drill

Here is a post with an attached company drill on perimeter search.

Perimeter Search from Engine House Training, LLC

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on October 27, 2014 at 1:20pm — No Comments

For the Prospective Fire Officer: Prepare

I started a new video series and am presenting a new class at FDIC 2015 called "10 Commandments for the Company Officer: A Guide for Success off the Fireground." The class touches on 10 things for the new company officer to consider for success in the firehouse and dealing with his members.

In the first section, or the "1st Commandment" we discuss preparation. Without getting to long in a blog post, there are some very basic steps that one…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on October 14, 2014 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Second Due with First Due Eyes

As a late arriving officer there are some things that need to be done before just heading inside for the sake of heading inside. As I always mention, follow your departments guidelines and assignments.

In particular, as second due there are some things that I like to specifically do in concert with my assignment. If my assignment is water supply, I ensure that that task is successfully completed. In addition to my assignment, here is a list of additional tasks that I like to complete…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on October 9, 2014 at 11:47am — No Comments

Are You a Hoarder?

Have you seen the recent articles, classes and information on hoarding? It is a real problem for us as a society and for us as firefighters.

The dangers are obvious based on the conditions of the homes and buildings we have to enter and search. It can make our push very slow and can easily disorient us with so many obstacles.

Just like with these homes, some firefighters are hoarders. Not in the sense…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on September 22, 2014 at 9:46pm — No Comments

How Much is Enough?

  This very question was posed to me by a member who was complaining about training.  I looked and thought about the question and then asked a question of my own: "Are we good enough?  Are you standing here telling me that we, as a department, are good enough to quit practicing?"

  The response was one of exasperation and a roll of the eyes.  But, I never got the answer from him. I think I know what he was thinking, but he never gave me a real answer to satisfy my curiosity.…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on September 10, 2014 at 1:52pm — No Comments


I'm going to be real careful about how I word this post as not to offend anyone. But I have to admit, I have been shaking my head about some posts for a while now and regarding some comments to posts.

I know that the new 'stuff' coming from UL, NIST, ISFSI and others is not popular with some, and I'm fine with that. I have no problem with that at all.

I know and understand that some in the fire service may have taken their tactics to one extreme or another for varying…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on August 22, 2014 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Significant Stuff Learned from NIST/UL Studies: Besides Exterior Water Application

I have been sifting through information, articles, blogs, classes, videos and everything in between for the past couple of years from the recent UL and NIST burns and research. We have all argued or debated about the application of exterior water and whether or not this is appropriate or not. While I believe there is a time and place for exterior water application, for me there are some other valuable conclusions or considerations that have not played a prominent role in these…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on August 4, 2014 at 11:14am — No Comments

Make the Day!

Great leadership lesson from a great friend and fellow FOOLS member:

“As the Captain, make the day.” Dave Dubowski

This can mean many things to you, but if you are the Captain, you DO make the day. You make the day a positive experience by sharing, drilling, and being productive or you let it get away from you without adding much value to it.

Since you can directly impact the quality of the shift and influence the crew, DO “IT” RIGHT!

Make it the RIGHT way! All of…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on August 1, 2014 at 2:22pm — No Comments

Are You a Seeker of Opportunities?

Many times we pass on opportunities to train or learn something although many situations lend themselves to doing so. Look for ways to incorporate the situation or circumstance that you are dealing with into a learning moment. The pictures below are of a company training on aerial ops with a candidate operator.

It was a call for an alarm sounding at a medical building after hours. After looking in the windows and doors and seeing no signs of smoke or fire and with the lock box key…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on July 18, 2014 at 12:02pm — No Comments

Safety Week: It Takes Engagement!

This week is Safety Week for the fire service and there will be a lot of slogans and banners posted on the numerous fire service websites.  We, as a profession, will blog and instruct on the importance of safety and the initiatives that are part of our fire service culture.

These are all very important and I am not at all implying that these attempts to bring safety to the forefront are not good programs or that the intent is not good.

But, every week this time of year it…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on June 18, 2014 at 3:09pm — No Comments

The Flag, Brotherhood and a Trip Up North

I recently had the distinct honor to present at the Alberta Fire Chiefs Conference in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. My experiences with our Canadian Brothers and Sisters the last two years has been simply awesome! The hospitality is second to none and everyone is always very friendly and they certainly don't skimp on the food!

But, that's not really what impressed me this year. I was asked to present two tracks for their conference; a three hour officer development class and a…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on June 14, 2014 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Are You the Example?

It's very hard to set expectations for your crew if you have none for yourself.

It's very hard to make your crew better if you don't make yourself better.

It's very hard to hold your crew to high standards if you don't hold yourself to those same standards.


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on May 30, 2014 at 12:38pm — No Comments

Ice Breakers

I recently watched a short program about the large, powerful ships that break ice near the poles of Earth for other ships. These machines are enormous and create a phenomenal amounts of power.

Some of the most powerful are powered by nuclear means and can break ice in the oceans and seas as thick as 10 feet. The ships power provides the energy to push and plow through the ice while it's weight and super thick hull do the work and protect the ship from damage.

As the ship moves…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on May 1, 2014 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Get Lucky!

Ever heard that saying that it's better to be lucky than good? Yeah, me too!

Well, have you ever wondered how some are ALWAYS lucky? That's mostly because they create their luck.

As the officer, you create your own luck by preparing and filling in the gaps in your operational readiness. Luck doesnt' just befall you because it picks you.

It comes along when you have been methodical and persistent in training, drilling, communicating and doing it again and…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on April 25, 2014 at 11:33am — No Comments

Determine Capabilities Thru Drilling

If you are like many in this country, you're dealing with fluctuating manpower on a daily basis.

This makes frequent drilling even more important.

Be sure to drill with different numbers of personnel and practice techniques, not only with full manning, but with limited manning.

There is no way to know your true capabilities if you don't drill and practice with the different configurations of mannnig. It will determine your effectiveness on the fire ground.

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on April 24, 2014 at 11:26am — No Comments

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