J. Scott Loftis


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Upstate SC
Oconee County Emergency Services / South Carolina Task Force 1 USAR
Assistant Chief
Years of public service:
Since 1992
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Not just in my department, but in the fire service as a whole there is a huge lack of LEADERSHIP ABILITY!
Professional Qualifications:
ISAC Fire Officer , HAZ-MAT through Chlorine Specialist, EMT-Basic, Rescue Specialist. Rapid Intervention Instructor, IFSAC Fire Instructor, Technical Rescue Instructor
Topics you provide training for:
All aspects of RIT, Technical Rescue, Fire Suppression, Haz-Mat, Fire Service Leadership
Areas of expertise:
RIT, Fire, Rescue, Haz-Mat, and Fire Service Leadership
Third Generation Fire / Rescue Specialist from Upstate SC.
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Debora R. Lewis

    You heading to Southeastern this year? I am along with a large group of Burton smoke-eaters!
  • Marion F. Blackwell, Jr.

    Thanks for the invite. I grew up in Chesnee, SC. I left in 1996. My family still lives there, so we visit often. I still miss the Carolinas, but had to move to support the the family. Hope all is well in Oconee. Stay Safe - EGH
  • Dave Diehl

    Hi Scott'
    Thanks for the invitation, I look forward to working with you in the future.
  • Stacy White

    Hey Scott, read your response to the SOP blog and was wondering if you could send me the info as well. My dept is under new leadership and in desperate need of SOP's, the new Chief is wanting to start the process and has asked me to help, now I am seeking the help of others. Will you be at FDIC? If so, we could meet there to talk more about this, if not, could you send info to indiana_firechick@yahoo.com or you can reach me by phone at 260-703-0021 Thanks!
  • Joe McClelland

    If possible I would love to see your Mayday outlines and compare them to mine.

    Thank you,
  • Rudy Dinkins

    What are you up to brother? Give me a call or e-mail me some time.
  • Sean Harshaw

    Nice to meet you Brother!
  • Joe Heim


    The skill sheets are working out great. We have done some of them already. If you are willing to send out the new D.O. ones that would be great.

    Stay Safe, Brother,

  • Harry Carter


    I want to thank you for the kind words in your invitation. I just try to share what I have learned over the past 45 years. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is just experience. Take care and stay safe,

    Harry Carter
  • Larry Lasich


    Would you email me with the cost of reproducing and snail mailing that job performance information. I would also like a copy for our Department.

    I also have a 2 mbps connection, so if is conveniant, you can attach it to an email to my civ email account. larrylasich@gmail.com

    Thanks much,
    Larry Lasich