Dave Diehl

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Kouts, Indiana
East Chicago Fire Department
Years of public service:
8 years as a volunteer, 14 years career
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Professional Qualifications:
Captain: East Chicago Fire Department
OSHA Instructor
Fire Safety Consultant
Fire Instructor
Topics you provide training for:
Firefighter Survival
40 Hazardous Material
Confine Space Rescue
Industrial Rescue
Spatial Orientation as it relates to disorientation in structure fires.
Strategy and Tactics for the recovery of lost caught or trapped firefighters.
Areas of expertise:
Emergency Response
Firefighter Fatality and Survival Research
OSHA Compliance
Started in the fire service as a reserve firefighter in Oxnard California in 1985. Started teaching OSHA Compliance to the Fire Service and General Industry in 1992, currently a part time instructor for Safety Training Services in Hammond Indiana. Hired by the East Chicago Fire Department in 1995 and currently serve as an Engine Company Captain. Six years experience as a Fire Safety Consultant. Developed the Advanced Training Simulartor for Firefighter Survival Awareness and have extensively researched firefighter fatalities.

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  • Stacy White

    also added you as friend:)
  • David Ebel

    Please allow me to invite you to a site designed by responders for responders... the crew that is doing it is CISM multilevel trained and are there for the guys after the bad calls. It helps the responders that do not yet have a team or would be worried that they asking for help would be seen as weakness. Please join and share it when you can. As a chaplain with over 25 years of service to fire departments I am excited with it's potential to provide support.

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
    Chaplain David Ebel
  • Mike Cervik

    Hey why didn't you tell me you were on here? I should have known.