Joe McClelland

, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Tinley Park IL.
Midlothian Fire Department IL. Union Professional Firefighter
Deputy Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Manpower, Training, Leadership
Professional Qualifications:
OPs level in all rescue topics, TPM, F/O 2 Inst II, ISO, rescue diver and lots of other stuff.
Field Instructor with Illinois Fire Service Institute, Cornerstone Program
Topics you provide training for:
All topics
Areas of expertise:
I would never say I am an "expert" in anything, but truck company, rescue and RIT are my passions.
I am the Deputy Chief of our department. We are a combo department with two stations. I have 27 short years in the Fire Service and enjoy learning as much as I can every day to make myself better. I am a Field Instructor for the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute where I am assigned to the Cornerstone Division. I am a member of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and the Illinois Society of Fire Service Instructors. Member of the SOUTHSIDE F.O.O.L.S.

I'm part of a focus group with Underwriters Laboratories studying he effects of current building construction and room and content materials and seeing how they effect current fire behavior.

I also teach the Fire Officer I-II Program for Rasmussen College here in illinois.

Stay Low and Never Forget! 343

Comment Wall:

  • Tim Olk

    nice Picture
  • Christopher A. Barry, Sr.


    -Read your profile, and saw that you list truck company operations as one of your interests. I hope that you will consider joining and contributing to the discussion in the Truck Company Operations Group.

    Be Safe,
    -Christopher A. Barry, Sr
  • David Ebel

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
    A site for responders by responders.. please check it out for yourself. Be honored to have you see for yourself.
  • David Ebel

    Hi Joe,

    I am not so sure amazing is right... but committed to helping others ....that is me. I love my assignments as Chaplain and when my "real jog" as a Salvation Army Officer opened the door for me to take CISM I discovered a tool that really works and saved lives... I went after it and discovered that I am pretty good. My leadership agreed and sent me to become a trained trainer. My county leadership (Kern County, CA) loved the way we help so they paid for me to take all the incident command trained trainer materials and EOC Management training, too.

    The web site is free... and in the 2 months we have been open we have saved one firefighter life from suicide and are working with 8 others with traumatic issues. This response got me motivated to inform others about the web site as a confidential tool that can help them help others.

    I would humbly request that you would join our site and then with you looking around then refer others. We provide live chat, video games, a place to post videos and pix from the scenes we are at... and then when they feel safe... a safety net for tough days.

    Thanks for caring,


    David Ebel, Major
    Kern County Coordinator
    The Salvation Army
    Kern County VOAD Chairman
    Bakersfield City Fire Chaplain
    Kern County Fire Chaplain
    CISM Trainer
  • Jared Bertsche

    hey brother..i'll be there..u making the trip down?
  • Rich Kukac

    Thanks for your coments Joe. I had a big discussion with one BC about engines putting out the fire and not the truck. I think that they could help solve their problem if the had 4 or even 5 on the Quint so they could lay a line and do Truck work with one team. I also think that part of the problem is the officer asigned to the company on a given shift. If he has always been on a TK then that's all he knows. Stay safe.
  • Rich Kukac

    Wow, I didn't realize that you guys were running so short! LaGrange tried to run 2 engines, a truck and an ambulance with only 5 men (sometimes 4). That was 1 of the reasons we unionized. I kept records for over a year a proved statisticly that there were fewer injuries and better fire suppression with a 3 man engine than a 2 man. Then our truck went out of service for almost a yera and we went to a 4 man engine. Wow, what a change in how we worked. With only 1 engine in service, we were forced to use auto aid all the time which meant a 3 man eng. from Pleasantview and 2 more 3 men engines from Brookfield and Western Springs. For a year, we looked like a professional fire department.
  • Ed Dagdick

    Hope all is going well for you. See you Saturday @ FSI?
  • Jared Bertsche

    hey bro..just thought i'd see how you've been and whats new..hope things are going well..stay safe brother
  • Jared Bertsche

    i've been good..def been too long..i'll be there in nov..i've been up riding in posen a few times next time i'll have to give you a call n see if ur working..stay safe bro..
  • Brotherhood Instructors, LLC


    Thanks for the add bro. Hope all is well in the SW burbs. Let us know if you need a hand with anything for your regional class. It sounds like it is going to be a big hit!
  • brenda farlow


    Thanks. It was a good weekend all around. Thanks for letting me participate. I would like to be more involved in the future so if you have use for me....let me know.

  • Tim Olk

    Thanks Bro Always Nice To Get Some Feed Back
  • Jim Mason

    Nice post on CSF (Common Sense Firefighting). It's a page for decision making on the fire ground. You're welcome to join it and you'll get the notifictions on the new discussions. I see we're qlomst nieghbors here in Chgo land. I was on Oak Lawn for about 6 years - I left for Chgo about 16 years ago
  • Art Zern


    Thanks for joining the IFSI group. Please feel free to start or add to discussions. I have enjoyed reading your posts on the CSF discussions.

  • Rob Cannon

    Do you teach at IFSI Fire College? You taught one of my classes a couple years ago. If this is you, I believe we talked about our depts. being in the burbs of chicago and on the same frequency. Ha!

    "Semper Vigilante"

  • Art Zern

    Hey Joe,

    It was great to meet you today. Thanks for your input. Keep the faith.

  • Rob Cannon

    Hey thanks and look forward to it!
  • Rob Cannon

    Joe this sound familiar? Haha!

    "Alsip minor alarm, Alsip minor alarm..."
  • Rob Cannon

    Hey Joe how have you been? Anything new? I moved back to the area (for several reasons, nothing bad). I am going down to fire college, if you're going, maybe we can meet up and grab an adult beverage and chat.

    Stay Safe Brother!


  • Rob Cannon

    I won't be on the IFSI training grounds. I am taking Leadership and Pump Operator. Keep in touch and let me know if you want meet up for some food or what not.
  • Arthur C. Rauch

    What is it you are looking to do?
  • Arthur C. Rauch

    Joe, I can probably get you in the E.M.T. side. That is what I'm doing now. Have not taught any fire classes yet. Hoping to when they get the internship program up and running. We missed you last weekend and IFSI.
  • Arthur C. Rauch

    We did the Light em' and fight em' with the Garden Homes Academy. I will make that inquiry for you. Also I did get my resume to Alex Griff. Hopefullly if I get my application, can I use you as a reference?