Rick Lasky

Wichita Falls, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Wichita Falls, Texas
Lewisville Fire Department
Fire Chief (ret.)
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
"Keeping Tradition Alive"
Topics you provide training for:
Leadership, Tactics and Strategy, Firefighter Safety & Survival. Please email me at chieflasky@gmail.com for a complete list of class offerings.
Areas of expertise:
Firefighter Safety & Survival
Traditions & Ceremonies
Tactics & Strategy
Incident Management
Chief Rick Lasky (ret.) a 40-year veteran of the fire service, served as chief of the Lewisville (TX) Fire Department for 12 years, prior to that as Fire Chief in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Most recently, he was interim Chief for the Trophy Club (TX) Fire Department. Rick followed in his father’s footsteps beginning his career as a firefighter in the suburbs on the southwest side of Chicago and while in Illinois received the 1996 International Society of Fire Service Instructors “Innovator of the Year” award for his part in developing the “Saving Our Own” program. Throughout his 30-plus years in the fire service he has served as a career and volunteer firefighter. He served as the co-lead instructor for the H.O.T. Firefighter Survival program at FDIC for over 10 years, is a long-standing editorial advisory board member for Fire Engineering Magazine and also serves on the FDIC advisory board. Rick is the author of the best-selling books “Pride and Ownership-A Firefighter’s Love of the Job” and “Five Alarm Leadership: From the Firehouse to the Fireground” published by PennWell Books and is the co-host for the radio show “The Command Post” heard on Fire Engineering Talk Radio. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.
Web site:

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  • Art Zern


    Thanks for your reply, I'll hope to see you in Northbrook.
  • Mary Jane Dittmar

    Thanks for the FDIC memories and SONGS. It is always a pleasure seeing you and fellowshipping.
    Your "Angel" in NJ.
  • Greg Fisher

    Thanks for adding me to your list...looking forward to this site and the discussions.
  • Robert Whitaker

    Hi Chief, I finally had a chance to listen to your Podcasts with Chief Freeman today......great stuff.......I had an opportunity to meet and ride with Chief Enright on one of his last days of his career......what a class act he is!
  • Eric Barnum

    Goodmorning Chief, What are Lewisville's policies in regard to when your members where their class A uniforms? Currently, our department only wears them to attend funerals and at our department meeting for a department photo. I would like to see us wear them in times of celebration also; such as fire department member retirements, weddings, Fire Department Awards Banquets, and Fire Department Balls etc. There is a concern that there is alcohol served at some of these events and the appropriateness of our members wearing their class A uniform at this type of event. What are your thoughts and opinions.

    On a side note, thank you for continuing to spread your thoughts on Pride and Ownership and especially passion for our profession and the Brotherhood.
  • Jeffrey Post

    Chief, Sorry I missd your presentation in New Britian today, I made a work commitment that I couldn't break. I did hear from a guy I work with that it was a great time. Hope to catch up with you soon, until then I enjoy the pod casts. Thanks for all you're doing.
  • Eric Barnum


    Thanks for the quick reply and information regarding your departments stance on when our Class A uniforms are appropriate. I whole heartedly agree that if our members understand the importance and tradition of the uniform that we will have nothing to worry about. Thank you again

    -Eric Barnum
  • Shane Furuta

    Chief, it was great talking with you in Indy. Be sure to keep in touch. I'll let you know how things go on this side...

    Aloha -Shane
  • Tom Isbell

    I just saw that you are coming to Greenville, SC on May 10th.
    I plan on attending and bringing friends.

  • Ben Fleagle


    I'll be off duty tommorrow and I'll give you a call.

  • Elizabeth Schnell

    Hey back at ya! Thanks so much for the kind words. Don't worry...you have told me how much you love and appreciate us and the feeling is mutual! We feel so privileged to have been part of this amazing conference for so long. We have learned so much about what you all do and have developed a new found respect for all of you and the friendships we have made are irreplaceable. Thank you for letting us be a part of your family.

    : )

  • Shane Furuta

    I will definitely let you know, when we make it happen... Don't be a stranger! Can you shoot me an email? I want to ask you a favor, furutes@aol.com.

    Aloha -Shane
  • Anne Guglik

    I'm sorry I missed your second workshop this weekend. I hope to get a chance to catch up with you again.
  • Sean Stumbaugh

    Hey Chief,
    Just listened to another great pod cast. We are dealing with a difficult chief right now. It makes coming to work a little harder, but, we still have the greatest job in the world! Keep teaching us, its helping!

  • Bernadine Wood

    Thanks, Rick! As always, it was great seeing you too!

  • Mike Gagliano

    Hey bro... thanks for all the kind words and support on your webcast...

    Sure appreciate you taking the time to promote Air Management. It will mean a great deal coming from you.

    Congrats on once again having the best selling book at the FDIC (3 years running)...

  • Greg Wyant

    Hey Chief ...Got my Cheif to show the Pride and Ownership CD at the meeting last nite . It opened some eyes. Thanks for all you do. 28yrs and still love the job no plans in giving it up anytime soon. STAY SAFE.
  • Mike Payne

    Chief Lasky, It was good to see you in Greenville S.C. Saturday and attend the class.

    Lt. Mike Payne
    Wade Hampton F.D.
  • Tom Isbell


    Thanks for helping me out by talking to somebody on my nextel. They ended up coming to the pride and ownership lecture and enjoyed it.

    That kind of thing isnt something that we get a chance to attend very often and we really appreciate you coming to SC
  • Barry Aptt


    Loved the book and will make it required reading for myself every once in awhile. It has alot of great stuff that helps me recharge due to dealing with a Chief my Depatment has had for 26 years andhad trully decimated it. Wish there were more Chiefs like you.
  • Mick Fischer

    I love listening to your podcasts, keep it up. I just bought your book and can't wait to start reading it. I wish some of your ideas would rub off to the leadership in my department. Keep safe!
  • Ron Becknell

    I just learned you will be speaking at the SC Firefighters' Association Conference. I am hoping to get a chance to meet you there. I am thrilled that the SCFA has finally elevated its conference to the level it is this year, I only hope it continues. Let me also welcome you now to South Carolina.
    I also love the Podcasts, my only complaint is there is not enough of them, keep up the good work.
  • Shane Furuta

    Are you going to be in Baltimore this July for the Expo? Hope to see you there... Thanks again for everything.

    Aloha Bro- Shane
  • Bruce Green

    Hey Chief, Just wanted to drop you a line. I attended your seminar last year at Chartiers Township VFD outside Pittsburgh. Love the book. Thanks for being an inspiration.That was you and Ron Kittle in the picture you showed,right?
  • Chad Berg


    The other day I was evaluating an oral board and when this candidate testing for Captain answered the below question, I thought about how much of an impact you are making on our fire service. At the same time, his answer and priorities were very admirable and I'm glad to know him.

    Q: If you had the department checkbook with no limitations, what would you buy and why?

    A: I would buy the Pride & Ownership DVD by Chief Lasky, because none of the material/capital items have reason or meaning without the right attitude, appreciation, and love of the job by the person using them. I want to expose all of the members in our department to this idealogy.


    Again, he could have purchased anything(in theory) he wanted and he chose your "DVD". It's pretty obvious where this brother's priorities are at. I just wanted to pass this on to you and tell you thanks for the impact Chief.

    FYI - That brother was Gino Bellizzi of Engine co. 94 (Snohomish County, WA) who is also a member on this site.
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Hi Chief -

    Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned your name and your book and DVD in my most recent blog and article:


    I hope that's OK. Let me know what you think of the article.

    Stay safe. Train often.
  • Todd McKee

    Chief Lasky

    It was understanding that our old ladder is in a museum in Lewisville Texas. The ladder came from Danville Ohio, are you involved much with the museum? If so do have any pictures of the ladder that I can share with the guys? Todd
  • Todd McKee

    I knew you were the guy to know the answer to that one!
    Thanks Brother!

    Todd McKee
  • Ben Simonds

    Hey Chief,
    Looking forward to seeing you again in the GREAT STATE of ALASKA. Wish you could be here longer. The Great FOOLS of FIre are pumped to have you up here. In fact our department is basically charging nothing for FOOLS members across the state to attend. Have a safe trip up Chief and see you shortly

    Ben Simonds
  • Todd Heier

    Hello Chief
    Hope things are going well for you this summer. We are still plugging away at Fishers looking for a chief. It has become a nonstop adventure. Hopefully we are close, round three of interviews are in two weeks. Stay safe.
  • Rick Sloan


    Had you up at our dept. in Snohomish here in the great northwest a few months ago... wanna thank you again for taking the time to speak with us. Finally got my butt on Fire Engineering to see what its about.
  • Doug Price

    Thanks Chief for the add! Hope to talk w/ ya soon.
  • Brandon Erbe

    Hey Chief, just started reading your book "Pride and Ownership". You are right on with alot of things so far. I'll get back to you when I finish. I may have some questions. Thanks for writing and sharing with the rest of us. Keep up the good work.

    Stay safe

  • Brandon Erbe

    Hey Chief, finished the book, great stuff! It was good to see we are doing some good things our selves but I also got a lot to stick in my pocket for later down the line. I am a huge fan of being out in the community letting the tax payers see what their dept. is doing. Unfortunately not everyone shares this view. If you don't mind I would like to ask you some things off of this page. Here is my email if you have the time. berbe11@comcast.net. Thanks again. Erbe
  • Gino Bellizzi

    Hey Chief, I have been looking for your cd to buy for our department. (we could use alot of pride and ownership) But i can not find anybody that has it in stock. if you have any ideas where i can buy it could you let me know. That video changed me more then any one thing in the fire industry. Thank you, and ill do my part spreading the word.

    Engine Co.94
  • Mindy Bruecken

    Chief Lasky,
    I saw you speak up in Minnesota last fall. I came up to meet you and shook your hand. It was like shaking a bunch of bananas!! You are a great writer and I love reading your book. Thanks for all you do, Sir.
  • Ryan Cox

    Chief, I'm not alone in saying that we are looking forward to having you up in Olympia Wa next month. Any chance the local FOOLS chapter could trade you a dinner and beverages for some stories and inspiration. I'm sure you'll be a busy man when your in town but it would be our pleasure Chief.
  • Ryan Cox

    The offer is open and doesn't expire! I can be reached at cox1997@hotmail.com. Thanks for everything you do.
  • Tim Kelahan

    Chief - Now residing in Arizona and looking forward to trying to get you here for classes.
    Long live the F.O.O.L.S.
  • Ryan Cox

    Thanks for the inspired talk yesterday. I know for a fact there were alot of ears that needed to hear the good word. Keep it up!
  • Tim Kelahan

    Chief good to see you out there - Hoping to get you to Arizona now that I'm here .
    How booked are you and when are you available?
  • Doug Price

    Chief, Hope this finds you well. I just found out your coming to N.C. for a weekend school next month, me and the wife have signed up for the class, we can't wiat to hear you speak. We have both read and love your book. Take care
  • Joel Holbrook

    Chief Lasky, I am writing you for two reasons, first I would like to invite you to my friends list. Secondly, I want to express to you the excitement, not only I share , but my entire department shares in the anticipated lecture you are to give to our department in October 2009. Be Safe
  • Brian Meroney

    Hey Chief, Enjoyed chatting with you & Chief John Salka in Fort Worth. I have finally the Elevator company to work with me on my class. Thanks for the advise.
  • Ben Simonds

    Hey Chief.
    sorry it took so long but I just wanted to know if you got the FOOLS shirts or not from Alaska. Sent them to your home. I was wondering if I could get a LFD Pipes and Drums shirt from ya.

    Great FOOLs of Fire
  • Bob Shovald

    Hi Chief
    Hows things?
    Do you guys use any CAFs in Lewisville?
  • Julie Simmons

    How ya doin' Chief? I miss you!
  • Doug Price

    Chief, Hope you had a good trip home. Me & my wife enjoyed meeting you and your class today 11-15-08. It refired my spark for the job even more than what I had. Thanks again!
    Take care buddy!
  • John Barrett

    Hey Chief,

    I just got done listening to your most recent podcast...and would like to ask you for a few minutes of your time to learn about our efforts www.honortheirsacrifices.com
  • Marnie Price

    Happy Thanksgiving, Chief, to you and yours!! A person who has no knowledge of their past is like a tree with no roots. Thank you for growing our fire service roots, brother! After all, being a firefighter is not just what we do, it is who we are!! KTF