Joel Holbrook

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Dayton, Ohio
Washington Township
Captain (Shift Commander)
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Professional Qualifications:
Fire Instructor
EMS Instructor
BTLS Instructor
CPR Instructor
NIMS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, 800
1670 Rope Tech
1670 Extrication Tech
Haz-Mat Tech
Incident Safety Officer
1021 Fire Officer
Associate Degree EMS/Risk Management
Adjunct Instructor Warren County Career Center
Adjunct Instructor Greene County Career Center
Adjunct Instructor Sinclair Community College
Member IAFF Local 3369
Topics you provide training for:
All fire/ems topics (Level I and II, EMT-B, EMT-P), Saving Our Own, RIT, Extrication, Residential Fire Ground Tactics,1002 Pump operations
Areas of expertise:
Pump operations, Extrication, Fire Ground Tactics, EMS
17 year veteran of the fire service, having served as a volunteer, part time and career member of the fire serivce.

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  • Dave Gallagher

    Who is the instructor in the 8th pic?
  • Dave Gallagher

    Where were you doing the class? glad to hear your Dad's doing better...
  • Dave Gallagher

    Nice... would like to see those pics. Tell Big Mike I said Hi... who are you instructing for?