Bruce Green

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Town of Evans NY
Brant Vol.Fire Co.
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Lack of adequately trained, motivated,dedicated,responsible adults to lead and staff a 24/7 volunteer fire dept.
Professional Qualifications:
That opens up a whole can of worms...
Topics you provide training for:
Areas of expertise:
Jack of all trades.....master of none.
Nah,I'll pass.

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  • Christopher Naum, SFPE

    By the way, I see Greg Wild and you chatted, I retired from MCFD last year.....
  • Christopher Naum, SFPE

    Thanks for the reply. It's truly a "small" world out there...
    Looking forward to talking with you some time. Tiger is trying to get me out your way to do some training programs at some point. Stay safe....
  • Rick Lasky

    Hey buddy,

    Thanks for your kind words. Yep, that is me and Kitty. What a great person. I love that guy!

    Be safe and take care.
