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Good day all. My MABAS Division Traing Group is looking into putting on a 'down and dirty' basic tools and skills class for the members in our area. We have a lot of part-time and a couple volunteer jobs around us, so we would like to refresh them on certain fire ground tactics. My question is this; What would you guys recomend for training if you were putting this type of class on in your area for your people? I am going to stay away from ladders, due to them being able to throw them really anytime. We are going to key on, line stretch, force entry, truck-engine ops, basement scenarios, things like that. I would really like to hear from the part-time and volunteers out there what their wish list would be for their people. We will be doing a lot of live fire also.

Thanks for your time and info.
All, please be safe,


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Fire Behavior, search tatics, VES, firefighter rescue and survival skills.
As always Brent, you help is perfect. Thanks Brother.

Be safe
Hey Joe,

First I would like to say that it sounds like a really good program you are putting together. I think the fact you will be able to use live fire is huge advantage. If I were lucky enough to see a program like this in our area there would be a few things that would be helpful in our organization.

-A complete fire behavior review class with a review of current building construction trends
-A review on basic hand tool uses and maintenance
-An SCBA review
-A comprehensive tactics class
-Tie all the classroom together with hands-on scenarios at a burn tower with a basement fire, attic fire, room and contents ect.

I have the recruit program we used in my old department that was really comprehensive, I will try and find my files to send you so you can see if any of it will help you out.
Awesome Eddie. Thanks for the feedback. Anything you can send will be awesome.

I am a member of MABAS Division 3 and we've been running division-wide company drills twice a year for 20 years. Our next rotation is OCtober 21-22-23, 28-29-30 and November 4-5-6 in Glenview. Feel free to stop by and see how we do it. The key is getting everyone together. In this three weeks we'll run a RIT under fire scenario, a forcible entry skills station and a third skill set that I can't remember. We run a morning session and an afternoon session each day. Each station has 3 chiefs, 4-5 engines, 2 trucks and sometimes a squad. An Ambulance is on scene "just in case". We divide the companies into three crews and each hour they rotate. When they arrive at the drill site they report to the command post and cehck in and get a briefing then are sent to work. The chiefs serve as command staff. A group of 6-10 instructors actually runs the program. In the three weeks we'll get about 36 engines, 12 trucks, and 6 squads (times three shifts) through with a total of about 800 members. We did a high rise live fire at Kendal College (NW University) a few years ago. This past sping the three skills were a live burn, learning other SCBAs (Scott-MSA-Drager-etc.) that exist in the division in case you are RIT and then a station on how to use the MABAS-issued radiation detectors.

In 20 years we have had one serious incident: A member had chest pains and was immediately cared for by ALS personnel.

If you want to visit just let me know.
Amen Brother. I see the same thing time and time again. I do plan on going over proper tool use, outside of the box thinking tool use and most of all, history of each tool. I think we all should know why we use the tools and where they came from before we truly understand them. I always say to the guys I work with or when I teach a class, " we all need to be students of our craft". Learn where we came from before we can go where we need to be.

Thanks Chris, be safe.
hi Joe this is Joseph Mcwillian

I am looking into becoming a fire fighter and i can not find any class that are on campus are there such things of is everything i need to know online and what about people who learn hands on?

I know this was way off topic but i have been looking and I've asked these questing over and over aging and know one has gotten back to me on it.

so if you can help that would be great!

you can reach me at or my number 323 535 9155.

thank you for taking your time to read this and if you know any one who can help me be free to give them this info.

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