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I would just like a few questions answered without the (no they shouldn't be used - yes they should be used) I am just trying to collect information about each State and Province for stats. This is about Pov's.

1) Which State:

2) Which Province:

3) What color Light:

4) Is the Pov's in your State considerd an Emergency Vechile or is it a Courtesy Light:

5) Is the Pov's in your Province considerd and Emergency Vechile or is it a Courtesy Light:

6) Who issues the Light in your State:

7) Who issues the Light in your Province:

8) Who pays for the Light in your State:

9) Who pays for the Light in your Provicne:

If Volunteers that use Lgihts in their Pov's could answer these questions it would help me collect some important stats.

When I finish the collecting and prosses of the stats I will post them for everyone to see what the numbers are for and what they mean. 

Thank you
Volunteer Firefighter

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Province: Ontario
Colour of light: Green
Just a courtesy light
Fire Department (Volunteer)
Fire Department (Volunteer)
Department is all volunteer.
1. South Carolina
2. York County
3. Red, although some use clear and amber
4. The POV is considered an emergency vehicle as far as being able to disobey traffic laws
5. See number 4
6. Each member is responsible for buying/mounting their own light although the Dept. SOG's state that it must be visible from 360 degrees around the vehicle and must have a siren to be considered an emergency vehicle and certain training requirements before being able to even have the lights in their vehicles
7. Members buy their own but can not install them until reaching a certain training level ( interior certified firefighter and POV driver awareness, or Emergency Vehicle Driver Training but if they are only EVDT and not interior certified then they are only allowed to run lights while enroute to the station if they choose to go direct they are not allowed to run lights)
1) Which State: Missouri

2) What color Light: Blue, white (I've seen green and amber too). No red unless a chief officer. You need a siren, too. State law requires use of the siren if activating the lights during a response.

3) Is the Pov's in your State considerd an Emergency Vechile or is it a Courtesy Light: Emergency Vehicle

4) Who issues the Light in your State: The Fire Chief or his/her designee w/in the VFD

5) Who pays for the Light in your State: The member who wants to install the lights on his/her vehicle.

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