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Just trying to kick up some ideas on what some departments wear, my department uses ISI but we are in the process buying new scba's and may go with something new.

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We currently wear MSA Firehawks. We bought them through an AFG grant, last year. They have served my dept well. One of the biggest benefits to me is having 2 separate URC connections, one in back and one on my shoulder harness. I like the thought of having the two separate connections if I would get jammed up.

Stay Safe Brother!
We are using MSA Firehawks as well. They work. I have never had an issue with one other than the need to replace a lot of batteries. Our version of HUD/ICM takes a total of 4 "AA" (or "AAA" depending on what you have) and a 9v. Other than that my only complaint is that it seams as if MSA just adds things on to there design rather than building a unit that was deigned as a clean integration. To clarify that: the sending unit for the HUD is separate from the ICM (separate batteries and bulk) and the HUD is external to the mask (more bulk), the RIC connection is still another bulky connection that is on the same side as everything else (all on the left). Resulting in a lot of stuff that gets caught on things.

I have not worn one in years (not since the Scott 2.2 model in the mid 90's)) but I always like Scott's. The have been making MMR's for a long time and seamed to have a clean design.

We are using MSA FireHawks. They have been a good pack. I am also certified to maintain our SCBA in and around our community (approx 75 packs) with very few maintenance issues over 3 years. We chose MSA for the added function of the electronic accountability. Decent for in a house fire, but you loose signal in large structures. Feel free to ask any specific questions.
Dave, we have the accountability system as well. We like it. We have done numerous training sessions in the buildings in town to minimize the loosing signal. We have the ablity to set up in front of and behind our enclosed mall which has minimized the signal issue greatly. It is a great tool, like anything else training is the key.
Roger that Jeff - We are working on having more base stations wired into our trucks. Ideally we would like to be able to set something up at every point of ingress. Are you guys relying on the electronic system soley or are you employing a tag system as well?
Tag system as well Dave, we use the Clemens system in our county, but, when our automatic aid companies show up with the tags haning on the back of their lids, makes life challinging, my dept is one of only in the area that has the system, challenges Brother!
Scott 4.5 SCBA's , AV3000 Scott masks
Scott 4.5's with AV2000 and AV3000 masks, the 3000 are the newer the ones and fit and seal much better than the the 2000's do. WE have a combination of 30 minute and 60 minute cylinders. If you are looking at replacing several packs I suggest you read Mike Gagliano's Rules of Air Management book. It may not change what you do but it is interesting and will make you think about we have typically been using our air over the years and how must of us were never trained correctly to begin with.
My Department uses 45 min Scotts recently purchased with grant funding. My HazMat Team uses the 60 min MSA Firehawk CBRNE packs. I find MSA a far superior product to the Scotts. The MSAs are lighter on my shoulder with the chest strap which Scott doest have. The MSA masks fit better. I also seem to have the feeling of fighting for air in the Scotts when doing physical activity at a fire scene. I do not have that feeling in the MSAs when doing similar activity zipped into Level As. I have had several others including other departments voice the similar problem with the air demad situation.
Scott 4.5 with AV2000 and AV3000.

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