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What are you protocols SOP's/SOG's that govern your workout time on shift?
Does you department give you the time to plan and prepare healthy meals?

Just wondering??

Shawn Roark
Bristol Va. Fire

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My department has no SOG. We do have time to plan and cook if we want and workouts are on your own, when you can, usually after 5pm.

I have been fortunate enough to have worked for a progressive fire chief, who knows the importance of physical fitness. We do not have an SOG but we are required to perform PT once per shift for at least an hour. It is generally left up to the company officer what is done whether it be cardiovascular or strength conditioning. Some officers have become creative with the way they do PT by incorporating a competitive game, however, we have found this to be dangerous as firefighters can be physical while playing chess and acidents do occur. We have had anything from knee blow outs to teeth being shoved up into the jaw and broke off, both of which required surgery. The worker's comp insurance took a hit so the chief put a stop to the games and restricted it to calesthenics, running, and weight training. He further went and purchased a weight trainers services to teach all members how to properly condition themself. I am very thankful to say the least.
Do you know the name of the training services that you use that seems to be the hang up with our department.

Our union has rasied enough money to outfit each station with equipment but the Chief wants to have his ducks in a row before he lets us place it in the stations and the one major hangup is the use of a peer fitness trainer or an equal service!

Thanks for the info!


Kevin Nowicki said:

I have been fortunate enough to have worked for a progressive fire chief, who knows the importance of physical fitness. We do not have an SOG but we are required to perform PT once per shift for at least an hour. It is generally left up to the company officer what is done whether it be cardiovascular or strength conditioning. Some officers have become creative with the way they do PT by incorporating a competitive game, however, we have found this to be dangerous as firefighters can be physical while playing chess and acidents do occur. We have had anything from knee blow outs to teeth being shoved up into the jaw and broke off, both of which required surgery. The worker's comp insurance took a hit so the chief put a stop to the games and restricted it to calesthenics, running, and weight training. He further went and purchased a weight trainers services to teach all members how to properly condition themself. I am very thankful to say the least.
We don't have an SOG for it, but as long as the Capt clears it, we can work out whenever we don't have other stuff goiing on. What you do is up to the individual. We have guys that are boxers, on high end workout plans or just do treadmill, eliptical, stairstep (cardio).

Anything is better than nothing and everyone should be doing something. We have the workout poster in several places in the gym.
Ours is included in our daily work schedule SOP as follows:

•From 1515 to 1530 all personnel will be provided a rest period unless on an urgent assignment from the station chief.
•At 1530 all members will perform one hour of physical fitness in accordance with a program establish by the wellness director.

We have no set standard for our 60 hour inspectors or chiefs.
Our department does not have a policy in place for the full time staff but they are allowed, and encouraged, to do PT on duty as long as the rest of their duties get done.

Our department contacted the local university and have gotten students that are working on a physical therapy, fitness, etc degree to serve as a personal trainer for our people if they want it. It is up to the FF to set a time, they meet at the station, the FF is evaluated and then discusses with the trainer what their goals are, what they are looking for and then the trainer develops a workout for that individual. The trainer will follow up with the FF towards the end of the semester if the FF request it. Cost is $25 for what is listed above and the department picks up the tab for the FF. Spouses can take advantage of the opportunity as well but they have to pay the trainer themselves.
Our union negotiated 60 minutes into the work day (1500-1600). Also, in conjunction with federal grants, we purchased both weight training equipment as well as cardio equipment (treadmill, eliptical) for each of our 4 stations. As far as meal planning goes, recently we've had a nutritionist in from the Cleveland Clinic. She gave us the usual 90-minute dog-and-pony show about balanced eating. But then she did something different. She had us all write down examples of what we would cook on any given day. Then she took the "menus", made a few simple changes (wheat bread for white, etc), and provided all of us with a 3-week long healthy lunch/dinner menu. It was really a simple way to get everyone to pay a little more attention to what it is that we cook, and made it really simple for those not-so-imaginative chefs.
Absolutely. We are allowed and encouraged to work out from 8-9:30 each morning or as the daily schedule allows. As far as I am concerned, it is our responsibility to be fit to carry out our duties, for ourselves/co-workers and the people we serve. Unfortunately, I should be working out instead of responding to this right now.
Thanks everyone for your responses!
To update everyone, our Union allocated monies for equipment for all of ouor stations. The Chief wanted to have a program in place before the equipment was in place. We are in the early stages but, we have contacted 2 colleges that have PT/AT programs. We are trying to get this done and done correctly!

Thanks for all of your help

In the service
Shawn R
We have been fighting this battle for four years. Currently we can work out after 1700 which is great but throw a couple calls in there and dinner and your screwed. Its an uphill battle when your chief refers to working out as "wasting heartbeats". He also says the public would be upset by us being sweaty if we catch a med run during pt. We have a more progressive D/C though that I think will work with us in the future. Oh and the best part is there is no cpat or physical test during our testing process. Some of us though do try and make a difference on our crews its not dept wide though. Stay safe and keep up the good fight.

My department does not have any formal SOG's/SOP's in regards to PT. We are all encouraged to workout at least once per shift and some members try to catch two workouts, but it is all on your own. We have a gym with fitness equipment that was paid for by the members. Members are allowed to workout whenever they like on or off shift. We have about 95% participation. Some members come in early and work out before or after shift as well. As far as meals, every shift plans the meal in the morning after the apparatus checks. Contrary to popular belief, we do eat fairly healthy. Lunch is usually leftovers, dinner is all together, and on the weekends some shifts do brunch.
No SOG/SOPs here. However our work day is pretty lax. Show up to work, make runs, and record 1 hour of training per shift... That being said, our Central Firehouse has a complete workout facility, and station 2 has a decent sized one as well. Every other firehouse has some workout equipment as well (strength and cardio). The city also has a workout facility that has certified personal trainers on staff and they offer us a deep discount on a membership. The benefit is that we have some amazingly physically fit personal that train on their own time, however without a policy in place, we also have some firemen that are 400+ lbs.

As far as meals go, each house is different. In my house, we have 18-21 guys. Each guy throws in 5 bucks and that provides a big lunch and most of the time enough leftovers for dinner...I cant say however that the meals are "healthy".

I can't say that i am the most physically fit, and I certainly don't eat the best....but I do have the opportunity to be/do both.

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