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How do other department log training records

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Excel or hard copy spead sheet with the name of student, training discription, hours, instructor and, if your smart, counter signed by a chief or training officer.
We use a simple form that has basically what Larry had on his. We have our roster and if you attended you sign your name next to it. It has the description on the back and who did the training and of course the chiefs signature. Also has the start/finish time. So pretty much the same.


A few things we do are:
- Training out line with objectives
- Sign in Sheet
- Training Evaluations

Then we log this into Firehouse Software which allows us to track attendance and training types. I hope this helps!

Please let me know if you have any further questions! Keep em' training and train em' hard!

Your friend,
Todd McKee
Thank you this will help.

Todd McKee said:

A few things we do are:
- Training out line with objectives
- Sign in Sheet
- Training Evaluations

Then we log this into Firehouse Software which allows us to track attendance and training types. I hope this helps!

Please let me know if you have any further questions! Keep em' training and train em' hard!

Your friend,
Todd McKee
Attached is a paper copy of a roll call which also have a Teaching Plan / Training Outline attached. We also input it on a computer.

Out TRT has its own sign-off requirments which are kept in a book and on computer base.
Thank you very much this will help alot.

TWayne Benner Jr (Casper) said:
Attached is a paper copy of a roll call which also have a Teaching Plan / Training Outline attached. We also input it on a computer.

Out TRT has its own sign-off requirments which are kept in a book and on computer base.
We use a Firehouse program. I am not sure how much it costs but it is the same program that we use to enter or NIFRS reports. We back up the Firehouse program with paper reports as well. the paper reports show the date, start and end times, location, typeof training, instructor, and the members names.

Our department has a roll call sheet that we use for fire marks. On the training side we have the same roll call sheet with the blank line beside it so members can check their name. On the top we have date, topic instructor, time that needs to be filled in. We have check blanks for training category (fire, rescue, operator, etc) along with apparatus numbers to be circled to indicate the apparatus trained on. It's quick and easy for the guys to complete. Everything is then entered into FireHouse which allows us to print reports, etc.
The DoD has a great training record that you can use for documentation. ( see attachment)

using this with an Excel spreadsheet or one of the reporting systems mentioned previous is a good method.

Good luck Brother!
We use firehouse but also have our career firefighters fill out monthly training record forms to document, fire training, pt and EMS training. We require 20 hours of firefighting training to be logged a month which can include hands on, to training videos to reading fire articles, we also require 15 hours a month of PT. For EMS they are not obligated to do any because they must meet the standards every two years to maintain EMT-B status anyway. I have attached the form, hope this helps you and others.
We have a computer program called fire tools it has all of things you would need for your dept. training, truck maintance sheets, equiptment lists, run reports, ect. I am the training officer for our dept. i made my own sheet most of the replies you got list all of the things that need and should be on it. Roster so you know who is showing up( your troubel makers are the ones that dont show up) that is important. Make them sign in and out. LIst all of the equipment that you use. Shows you what you used and you can see the shape it is in and all of your members that snow up know how to use it. Date, time, subject, and a note section, and off of this you can see who needs more training on that subject. Counter signed by the chief and training officer this is a good idea.

We have a roster for sign in.  It gives a brief outline of the class, date/time, class title, etc.

Then the rosters are loaded into Firehouse Training software.  This is where details about the training are added.

This gives up a computerized accounting system of our training hours that we can pull reports from.

I was unable to upload the file, but you can email me at and I can sent you a copy.

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