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I'm looking for input on the Cleveland Load, specifically how/where to add additional lengths. If anyone uses this for their apartment packs, I'm really interested in finding out how you do it. Let me know of any video links on YouTube, etc. We're considering switching over to the Cleveland Load, but we still have a few questions we need answered. We've trained with 100' and it's much better and easier to deploy than how we've been doing it for years, but we have hallways in high-rises that are 300' long. These buildings have two stairwells that each have standpipes. We just need to know what's the best way to add more hose to it for those apartments that are beyond 100'. Do you add it in a smoky hallway, in the stairwell? Thanks for your help.

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One of my fellow instructors gave me a link to a YouTube video titled "Cleveland Load". I think it came from the west coast somewhere. If your load is the same w/ just a different name, then I'd be interested in the powerpoint. Thanks for the offer and help.

Dave LeBlanc said:
Not sure what the Cleveland load is, but we switched to the Bundles and have had awesome sucess with it. I have a Powerpoint of our setup if you are interested.

Thanks so much!


Dave LeBlanc said:
Here is the Powerpoint. We ended up moving it off the front bumper due to "resistance" by some of the brothers because they lost their trash line. Those that implemented the system were in favor of using the bundle as a trash line.

We make our loop a bit longer, more like 6 to 8 feet. It stores easier where we keep it. We also take a regular roll of hose, male end end, and unroll it to make the bundle. Kind of the opposite as shown in the video.
We have a similar load that we use for our high rise packs. Our loads are 150' of 1 3/4 line with a fog nozzle. Along with that the pack had a gated wye attached to it already to make the standpipe connection. We have attached a small bag to the pack that has adaptors, wrenches, pair of vice grip wrench. We found that this load works in our areas where we have several motel/hotels, where we can reach the middle of the floor with 2 packs attached to opposite standpipes at opposite ends of the halls.
Dave, I looked at your powerpoint Brother, if you don't mind I'm going to take that back to work with me, and make a small proposal.

Thanks Bro!
Will my department is in the process of switching over from 1 1/2 donut rolled ????????? Which I was against from day 1 to a load called the Denver Load. Very easy to make into bundles of 50-100ft. Easy to carry on the SCBA cylinder.

Ive tried the Cleveland load but I honestly believe the only benefit would be the last 50ft (Nozzle) to be effective.

We also are ion the process of removing the 2 1/2 Fog nozzle to replace with solid bore (NFPA 14) for many reasons. As you see in the pictures it keeps the hands free for other things such as TOOLS. And for those long climbs hold the handrail :L)

You can find the Denver Load on line.
I don't have any experience with the Cleveland Load, so I'm not much help there, but in regards to extending a line my personal opinion is that you never break and extend a hoseline in a smoked hallway unless you can do so without losing your water supply, (i.e using a breakaway nozzle as your shut off to extend from.) just like you should not enter a single family residence fire with an uncharged line, you should not be on a charged fire floor with a dry line.
We have tried the Cleaveland on our Skid loads at 150 ft of 13/4 hose with pistol grip nozzles the biggest issue that we've had is using our hotel pack straps they seem to slide around a bit and getting them tight enough to not move is next to impossible. As far as the load itself goes we found it works just as well with 150 ft. as far as know at least 2 of our pumpers still have them in use.
We tried it out. Went well till one guy tied a perfect overhand knot. No Cleveland load for us! Rollups (folds) is the way to go.
I just got back from a training school where they taught us about the Cleveland Load. We plan to replace our Hi-Rise Packs with it. You can use it just like a Hi-Rise Pack, you can charge the hose before it is unpacked (after removing the straps and buckles), and it is almost guaranteed not to tangle when the nozzle end is pulled out toward the fire. You can then stand what unused hose is still in the roll up against the wall to get it out of the way of foot traffic through the hallway, stairway, or whatever. If you need to move some hose, simply roll it as in rolling a hoop down the hall, stairway, whatever. Think we will like it. You can use the same straps to secure it as you do the Hi-Rise Pack.
How did you get the overhand knot in it? We pulled the nozzle out the top and through the bottom, and it did not tie the hose in a knot.

Russ Chapman said:
We tried it out. Went well till one guy tied a perfect overhand knot. No Cleveland load for us! Rollups (folds) is the way to go.
When you teach 50 rookies in a single class, anything can happen and it did. Honestly, the main reason for us not liking it is that we use 2 1/2" hose, inline gauges and smoothbores. The low pressure systems do not allow this to work. Also, contingencies as in having to stretch to another stairwell other than the one we connect up to, due to fire conditons, do not allow for this roll. This roll is good for low manpower situations, and that itself is another reason why we would not use this, as we commit 2 engines to a single hoseline in a standpipe op. Any department that does this with less is potentailly putting their people in a hazardous position.We demand the first length, from coupling to nozzle at the fire compartment entrance. We will stick with the FDNY stile roll ups.

Kenneth Johnson said:
How did you get the overhand knot in it? We pulled the nozzle out the top and through the bottom, and it did not tie the hose in a knot.

Russ Chapman said:
We tried it out. Went well till one guy tied a perfect overhand knot. No Cleveland load for us! Rollups (folds) is the way to go.

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