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How would your City handle a Code Mandating Fire Sprinklers in Single-Family Homes?

Most people in the fire service know the incredible facts behind fire sprinklers and how they stop most fires in the beginning stages. With Housing communities being built further away from our fire stations how would you stand behind a mandate on the sprinkler code for new residential houses?

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Thanks Brent! This subject should be a "no-brainer", however just like everything else there is always that BAD word "politics"

We have had several communities in our state (Maine) implement local ordinances and our Fire Marshal's Office is working on a model code for communities. In addition, many Fire Chief's have recommended in formal response and at public hearings regarding fire protection for rural developments that sprinklers be part of any subdivision that is outside the hydrant area. Where as many ordinances now require that new developments be on town water if they do not have sprinklers, the cost of sprinkers ends up being much less costly then extending water lines and establishing hydrants. By default, we are seeing more sprinklers as a choice of rural subdivisions. There have been instances where communities as well as the State has attempted to mandate sprinklers and extensive resistance was mounted by the construction industry. Finding a more creative way outside of an outright mandate, and certainly including education on the benefits of sprinklers, seems to be part of the answer.
I would stand behind the sprinkler system code 100 percent,where I live ,I don't think no homes has that system.
Insurance would insist homes to have sprinkler's,to cover on their insurance,More homes would be saved.
I stand behind the sprinkler CODE,,,,
I live half a mile from our FD.
I with you on that Vicki, we currently have a 1300 house development proposed 1 mile south of our city limits and the developers want the property to be incorporated into the city so they can have everything the citizens of the city have, including: water, sewer, gas, electric, fire and police protection. This all sounds great but with our station 4 1/2 miles north of this sub-division we have some concerns, so that is why we have mandated all new homes in this division be built with sprinkler systems.


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