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Evening Gentlemen, has anything been decided a getting a coin made for our chapter?

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Good topic for our new page. What does everyone think about getting a coin designed and minted. We talked about it before when we first organized. Would everyone be interested in tossing for that?
We have talked to Trey in the past about trying to emulate the patch in a coin. I'll email Joe and see what the status is.
We definitely need a coin. Might talk to Roddy Petty. He had the last ones for FFD made.
Yeah, Roddy was saying that he was talking about getting another set of the FFD coins made too. He gave me the website, but we would just need to design a coin. Any artists out there
Glad i could spark conversation. To perfectly honest with yall, I didnt know anything about challenge coins until Greg told me about them a couple months ago. With that being said, if I can do anything to help out with it I would like to.
How `bout the Mid-TN patch on one side and the FOOLS globe on the other? All we need is someone to poll the membership and take orders. Volunteers?
We got 15 members on this site. I sent out an invite to all the members from the email list and the 15 brothers who replied are on this. It you can get the others to get on this it would help.
I like Joe's idea about our patch, but maybe we should personalize it a little more. Maybe a Music City type thing, guitars, Cadillacs, hillbilly music, etc. Not too country, just a little.......Wouldn't want to send Greg into a redneck tirade. If you can't get too much response, I say get what opinions you can and go with it. It may take 3 years to get a consensus otherwise. That's just me though.
I agree, just not to redneck since you know how us northern folks get with the south thing ahhaha. Not to mention I haven't met to many overall wearin, no shoes people who are in our chapter yet.
No guitars, no Cadillacs, no Music City Bull&*%$. Just fire stuff. Just take the patch, incorporate it into a round coin and get it done. That's it.
Call me if there's anything else I can help with.
Have a nice day.
Don't get all bent. Besides, remember the job shirt and the BIG patch...mmm.....mmmm.....mmm. Who's the design and merchandise coordinator? Hah!


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