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I would like to know what departments are doing to promote health and fitness among firefighters?

Post respones in the fitness, wellness and fire rehabilitation group.

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I am a Battalion Chief and Training officer for one of Caiifornia largest volunteer Fire Dept. I am looking for a rehabilitation policy, while working a fire, structure or wildland. Before I invent the wheel I would like to see what my brothers and sisters are using.
B/C John Faleski
Mariposa County Fire
Home of Yosemite
At Reedy Creek we have placed it in the contract however the wellness portion is non mandatory. We are required to have an annual physical by the department's MD. The problem with this is the determination by the department and the MD as how they interpret the NFPA 1582. The other problem we are having is that the department picks and chooses what they want out of the NFPA standard.

We have a NON-UNION / NON Department wellness coordinator who works with my department along with others in Florida. Her company has a personal fitness employee and a nutritionist. After 20 years on the job and the change in the department and personnel we are finally gaining on the idea of keeping us healthy even after retirement.

Even though we have problems with our program it is a start. The encouragement from Senior Staff is a must along with their participation. We still have a ways to go.
Hass anyone seen this study???

Wildland Firefighters Stress Study
Presentation: American College of Sports Medicine, May 2008

Publication: Pending


In a clinical study, wildland firefighters taking Wellmune WGP® reported better overall health and 23% fewer upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) than those receiving a placebo. The results reflect the ability of Wellmune WGP to protect individuals under demanding physical and psychological conditions from stress-related health challenges.

In a single-blind, random, cross-over design, 54 wildland firefighters from the Bitterroot Hotshots and Great Northern Crews were given Wellmune WGP or placebo for 14 days, followed by a three-day washout period and another 14-day treatment period. During the course of treatments, subjects kept daily health logs recording cold and flu symptoms and overall feelings of well-being. If subjects recorded any cold symptom (runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, colored discharge) or flu symptom (fever, headache, general aches and pains, fatigue and weakness, chest discomfort, cough) for two consecutive days, they were classified with an upper respiratory tract infection.

There was a strong statistical trend favoring the use of Wellmune WGP for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections. Forty-eight percent of the firefighters experienced an upper respiratory tract infection while taking the placebo, but only 37 percent had an upper respiratory tract infection while taking Wellmune WGP. Additionally, a statistically significant number of firefighters rated their overall health better while taking Wellmune wgp than those who did not.

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