Fire Engineering Training Community

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So, here is our simulation for the week. 
What are our priorities and where are you taking the first line?
Where is the second line and going and what is it doing?
Give us your size up using a systematic process with regards to standard actions matching the standard conditions recognized.

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-I like this scenario; not because its easy or routine but, rather because so many firemen still mess this one up. This is bread and butter.

-The engine must stretch the first line thru the front door, advancing toward the Bravo side looking for the interior door accessing the garage to attack the fire.

-Two members of the ladder company should move in ahead of the stretch,forcing entry as needed, proceeding to the 2nd floor for the primary search and checking for extension, while the other two truck members begin opening up the garage door with a K-12. While the door is being cut one member of the K-12 team should do a quick look around the garage for a second exterior door which may be present on the Bravo or Charlie sides and force it open.

-The second due engine should lay in and stretch a back up line to protect the interior stairs. This second line is a back up line not a secondary line; that means standing by protecting the stairs should the fire become a threat to them. A third line can be stretched but, this is really an easy two line fire. 

-The third arriving engine as RIC while the second arriving ladder begins raising ladders on the Bravo and Charlie side for access and possible escape for the searching crews. Unless this fire really goes wrong and gains serious headway, roof operations will not be necessary.

One question:  if the fire has not extended into the house, do we want to open the interior doors to the fire compartment?  Can we treat the attached house as an attached exposure (Strip mall with fire walls).  Put PPV in place to hold back extension, control extension on the exposure side and attack the fire compartment separately.

My opinion is the first line would go through the front door to the interior access door while checking on conditions and making sure fire is not extending.

The second line is going straight up the driveway for fire attack.

The third line will be stretched to the second floor for fire extension.

Depending on manpower, you could split your truck into two teams, one opening the overhead door and the other searching the bedrooms. Or two companies can do the same.

An important point must be made not to open up and check for extension on the second floor unless there is a charged hose line,  If you don't wait for the line and open up, you risk being over run by fire.

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