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-I like the format.

-Now, for the scenario depicted; This is an absolute fire code violation and no justification of poor enforcement is acceptable given the occupancy load (a school) in this structure. This is a precursor to Our Lady of Angles.  

-Transom windows are no longer allowed for a reason and despite the historical value or age of the structure or grandfathering of the code, based on the occupancy, A SCHOOL, the Fire Marshal or Chief, should be citing this occupancy, even closing it down, until the transom is removed or blocked.

-Automatic fire control systems should be mandatory in this occupancy, given the young population inside and coupled with the open staircase. To allow a school to operate in such conditions, now that it has been discovered, is egregious.  George Santayana said, "when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  Apparently a Chicago middle school is far from anyones memory here. 

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