Fire Engineering Training Community

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I was recently tasked with developing a 1403 program for my department. We haven't held live burns for 3 or 4 years now, and when we held them before it was without a 1403 program in place. I am looking for information on what should be included in the program. What should I have in place or look for prior to accepting a structure for training. Anything you guys might have or programs you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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First of all, it goes without saying, go get the standard and become familiar with it. Remember, it does not dictate how you do things as much as it advises what you need while you are burning.

I have some information that I can email you. Please go to my page and leave me an email.

Greg Wild
It's all in 1403 bro...I've gone through it line by line, made more useful checklists for myself and my instructors. Easier to do an assessment (although not everything I look for is in 1403) as well as plan the training, both LFT and NonLFT. Pre and Post burn planning and assignments are listed as well, you just have to dig into the standard to get them all laid out where you need them.
When choosing an aquired structure for interior fire training, the rule-of-thumb that I use is, if it is not a structure that can be easily made inhabitable be very cautious. Shy away from buildings that have structural damage or hazards that are not easily removed or mitigated. A few questions to ask yourself...Is the entire building an issue or just part of it? Can we seal off the damaged/hazard area and safely train with the remainder of the building? What are the exposure issues, next door, down the street, across the field? The big one...Do I feel comfortable using this place?
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