As company officers, what are some of the ways that you motivate your team?

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Larry! A lot of times I do completions for training and non training. I like to do things for the firehouse that get the guys in a good mood and that carries out to the training ground. One time I bought a case of tissue boxes and we all competed to see who could pull every tissue out the fastest one by one, with only one hand. YES, I know it sounds corny but the guys really had a lot of fun with it. That spread out to the training for the day as moral was high and the laughter made everything run smooth, today the other shifts are doing it. Not only did that boost moral it got guys out from the recliners and allowed us to work as a team. Today while we do that drill we ask fire related questions and guys have to answer them while they are pulling tissues. I never thought it was going to be that fun, but it really was and now it has gotten guys to train by answering questions. It is a good review. If you try it let me know how it goes. Your friend, Todd McKee
As I am new to the officer side of things, I will comment on what I have seen from an officer I really liked working for and want to emulate. He always was the first one bunked out, he always made it a good competition. He never bosted maliciously. He would poke fun, as would all the guys, but he was quick to praise on a job well done. If we were doing vent training he always went first and would never ask us to do things he wasnt willing to do. It always made me want to do better. He helped instill in me the drive to be a GREAT fire fighter!
Hey guys...I'm new to FE but I'm really enjoying the content...I love this topic...I'm not yet an officer but in a former life I was motivational speaker and a lot of my content was on leadership...anyways...Colin has it right...if an officer stays in the trenches with his guys...he will earn a lot more respect.
In my experiences if someone is not self motivated then there is not much that leaders can do to "motivate them". If you do motivate them it will be temporary!
The best way to "change or Motivate" someone is to "change or motivate" yourself...if the officer takes control and is leading from the front (being excited to drill or being the first to pick up a mop or even involved to silly tissue games)...then the rest of the crew will feed off of him! Keep up the good work guys!
I have read all the comments thtat were made and there were some good sugestions. I agree with "get in the trenches with the guys/gals" beeing involved during calls and training showes them that your willing to go the extra mile. If the guys/gals see you putting your all into it they will too, keep things instresting. This may sound a little childish but reward them. Not all the time but once in a while do compitition drils and who ever (teams or invividuals) wins give them at deptartment T-shirt. Its not much but when my guys see that they may win something they all try just a little bit harder. lets keep it up Tony
I think giving them pet projects and then giving them the recognition for it gives a sense of ownership in the department. However we need to proof read or make sure the idea works before going company, shift, or even department wide so that its not a negative experience for them. However, Thomas Edison did find 199 ways not to make a light bulb.

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