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I am interested in knowing how other departments operate in code 3 mode.
My department allows for 10 mph over the posted speed limit. We must stop at all Red lights before proceeding and altough not a department SOP or SOG I choose to not run code 3 on the freeway (unless the incident is on the freeway), I have found at times it can increase the response time due to confused drivers. What are your policies?

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-As Chief Halton has already explained, in the City of Albuquerque, the Fire Department policy for responding Code 3 limits the speed of apparatus to ten mph above the posted limit with road conditions permitting. If there are hazardous road conditions then the apparatus operator must exercise due regard and drive according to the hazard/conditions. Also, all apparatus are required to come to a full and complete stop at all intersections while responding Code 3 to insure the intersection is clear.
-What's more, fire apparatus are not allowed to buck/go against traffic unless the apparatus in question is within two blocks of the address they are responding to. Neither are Driver/operators are not allowed to "force" stopped vehicles through a traffic control device until the light changes in favor.
-On top of this, all major intersections in the city are equipped with an Opticom device that "see" emergency apparatus warning lights and changes the traffic control in favor of the responding apparatus.
-And as Chief Halton is aware, these initiatives have markedly reduced the amount of apparatus involved in accidents for the Fire Department; the cops are another issue.
-Not only is the department policy, it is state law which brings me to the next point. You may want to check what the state law is in your area. Many FD and POlice agencies think they know the law but not many of them really read it. Now the law and make your policy accordingly.
-In my area those responders that regularly violate this state law and city policy for responding Code 3 are those responsible for enforcing it... the city cops. Just goes to prove the point that most emergency responders do not actually familiarize themselves with the applicable laws in their jurisdiction. In fact, when asked, many cops are not even aware there is a law that governs Code 3 response.

i'm not so familiar with that way. but i know every department has their own way to operate in code 3. we can learn much from here. that's the advantages.

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