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Sept and Oct will be classes for Safety Officiers School .So far we have 3 Officiers on our dept. How many depts have classes for the fire fighters to become a Safety Offficer's?

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We run them at least once a year!
We have 24 hour shift safety officers. We are certified by FDSOA. The test is given once a year.
Always to be on the safe side. Our fire department is adding on .We have and web site that is under contruction.Soon our site will be showing what our county does,and pictures of our fire fighters ,etc.
I have been so busy,the FD and my regular job,reason I have not been on the site.
I hope you guys have and safe one,and God Bless.Brenda T
I just finish up ISO school, (Incident Safety Officer) I really enjoyed taking this course.I have learned more then i knew ,before i had the class,now am looking forward to getting my license soon.,and becoming one of the safety officers of our department.To ensure that the safety of our fire fighters and all on the scene will be safe.
That is good to have and class on ISO,and to appoint safety officers if needed ,to the scene. I have enjoyed fighting fire.But being and ISO,I will do the best ,for our safety of all on and scene.

Todd McKee said:
We run them at least once a year!
Our department contractually requires each Line Officer to be certified as Incident Safety Officer - Suppression. Each fire gets a Safety Officer assigned, if the Department Safety Officer is unavailable then any available officer can fill the roll. The NFA Incident Safety Officer Course is given free of charge.
my department per SOG is supposed to have 4 available but we have none. There has been no training as of yet, but there is talk of department wide training. We shall see!
I have finish the ISO class ,and have been certified.Yes,and ISO can appoint more than one fire fighter to become and ISO on the scene,if the ISO needs extra help to see that not only Emt's or other departments ,fire departments that come to the scene.,Who ever is IC works togather with ISO.
What are the minimum qualifications for a S.O? Everyone has an interpritation of what they believe a safety officer should do, but what happens when you have a massive training gap - I am on a composite department and we are just hammering down the job description for a safety officer. Our SOP reads that a safety officer will be appointed for each scene - obviously one person is going to look for something someone else may not know to look for. Does anyone have a general outline of responsibilities that can be used as a guide?
What I am after is something we can put into practice during training - circulate members through the S.O position using a standard outline.

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