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No explanation is needed for this month's editorial illustration, and I'm sure we've all had to deal with bad attitudes before. The question I'd like to pose to the forum is; what have you done (or would do) to deal with this type of firefighter? Because if left unchecked, they will literally swallow-up the morale and spirit of the firehouse.

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First I had to deal with my own attitude; then I realize that my improved attitude will influence others.
Brother Paul as always another excellent cartoon representing the struggles our trade wages war against!

Hey Brother Nick! Right on...don't we always here "Attitude is Everything" and like you said it has to start with our very own before we can do anything else! When you coming up to visit, I know Jeff would be happy to see you.

Stay safe

Way to step up to the plate, Nick! Thanks for your honesty. You're absolutely correct, the image in the mirror is much more reveling of what's happening around us. As Brad said, "attitude is everything"!
Thanks Brad and Paul,
I was reflecting on how I can seem to have a good attitude about certain aspects of the job, and then a lousy attitude about others. It doesn't work that way though, if I have a bad attitude about anything it affects my attitude about everything.

Stay safe brothers!
I agree if YOU set the tone, especially if you are a formal/informal leader, it can really make the snake stand out in the grass for everyone to see. Then make sure to approach the fire fighter and point out what he/she is doing and how it doesn't help things around the house. Try the approach, especially its is fire fighter with some time on the job, of letting them know how much the others look up to him or her. I have also noticed that by empowering these people to teach classes or lead programs, it can really help focus their energy on something besides being hacked off.

I have a boss that is so positive it makes me sick sometimes, in fact we call him "captain positive" or "optimus prime". Hes a great example of leader that sets the tone, when i get angry about something department related its hard to stay mad when you are around him.
Hey......I know that guy!!!!! cool that this was your reply. I think we all have bad attitudes every now and then. When it becomes a problem is when it is a never ending negative attitude.

Nick Morgan said:
First I had to deal with my own attitude; then I realize that my improved attitude will influence others.
You can be bitter or be Better! It is time we adopt the military matra. Do it for the guy next to you. City hall does not care if you decide to be unperductive, however your team cares!
Very well said, Frank! Hey, shoot me an email sometime. I'm curious about your project we discussed at FDIC.

Frank Ricci said:
You can be bitter or be Better! It is time we adopt the military matra. Do it for the guy next to you. City hall does not care if you decide to be unperductive, however your team cares!
I love this picture and the words have some much meaning to them. Why is it that we call the fire service a "BROTHERHOOD, TRADITION, AND A FAMILY"? The way I look at it this, it is a two headed snake. Reason being, if you let go and do nothing about it bites you, and if you try to get rid of it, it will bite you again. I was just reading in the recently Fire Engineering Magazine about the the different generations. How is it a brand new fire fighter, can go to the Fire Chief/ HR Department and report a veteran fire officer/ fire fighter cause they(the new recruit) can't do their job, lazy, and the fire officer/ fire fighter lose everything ( career, demotion, disciplinary action, etc...). What happen to paying your dues sitting back and not speaking unless spoken to first? As you can tell I have dealt with a few of them in my career and the outcome wasn't good. I have learned to not to get involved no matter how much it bothers me. Like others have said before I too need to check myself before I try to check others. Sometimes we don't like ourselves so we blame others for our misfortune.
Just hire a bunch of Ricki Ticki Tavi's and run the snakes off!
Easier said then done. I know for a act that there has been at the very least three fire recruits that should have not graduated rookie school. But they did, they gave them their BADGES and told them to go to work, when they should gave them their PINK SLIPS and sent them home. For that one of them has cause such in up roar in the department that it has brought exactly that SNAKE IN GRASS mentality.

Jason Hoevelmann said:
Just hire a bunch of Ricki Ticki Tavi's and run the snakes off!

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