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Does anybody have any tips/tactics reguarding the job of the FF/Officer that backs up the nozzleman while advancing and or operating the hoseline?

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I was gonna post more but its tuff to top genarro's list, In SLFD we expect to company officer to be with the "tip man" or nozzleman, but to do all he said including unless impossible (block square or bigger building) the complete 360 and a good size up meant to attempt to locate the fire, and its size including how involved the physical structure is so as to know just how viable the building is for an interior attack and what your best route is. Obviously a structure with the structural members highly or fully involved with no rescue possible or a light weight frame (truss roof of osb I beam floors) will cause a change in tactics.
Now as far as "lightening the line" have your tip man remember the "shoot and scoot tactic" or hit the rool over, shut down, scoot up and hit it again until you reach the bulk of the fire be it several rooms or just one. While he/she does this you as the C.O. have to be feeding him the line. then when he flows for long periods you need to scoot up the line and back him up. It wont work every time but when you can shoot and scoot is wonderful.
Another thing to keep in mind is until the search team breaks off your line they can feed line too.
Now when taking a "big line" inside (2 1/2 or 3") you will need at least 2 ( including your self ) when the tip is open, but better to have 3 or more on the tip, with alot of help moving line, so get the manpower on scene asap.
Other than that all I can say is work in unison to move the line and to back up the tip man, but don't force him into the fire too hard, that has in STLFD cause some to melt face pieces (not the helmet shield but the scott or msa face piece) and is a very bad situation.
Gregory Banks said:
Thanks Jason, I would really like to see the info that you have. My e-mail is


I tried to send the PP via e-mail but the file is too big. More or less the hose managment techniques I teach are based on A Fredricks principles. Take a look at the following two articles and see of they help. Good luck bro.

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