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Do you feel the education you are getting online is just as good as the campus setting?

Having attended Eastern Kentucky University and now CSU online I often find myself comparing the experience and education quality.

For me while I was passing college in a campus setting I don't feel like I was excelling. My grades were average and it was more about the experience of being away from home. CSU however has been great I have a great GPA and truly feel like I am learning. Now of course some classes don't meet expectations but nothing is perfect.

So how do you feel? Do you feel that this program is just a means to an end? DO you think that your CSU degree isnt as good as another high profile university? Or is this program great for you? Lets here what you think.

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It is funny. To get accepted into the EFO program at the NFA you needed a four year degree fom an accepted university. The guest speaker at Columbia Southern University's graduation last year was Dr Oneal from the NFA. They would not accepted Columbia Southern as a offical school to enter the program. That rule has since changed.
So to answer the question if i feel if my degree from columbia southern is the same as another, I do. I have spent five years earning my degree taking one class at a time due to finances. I will have my degree after three more classes and I feel it is just important as someone who went to USC.
I have been to the university and been on many college campuses and I feel that doing it on-line has benefited me alot more.
I have gotten three coworkers to attend Columbia Southern and one has since graduated. Columbia Southern is a good call fo anyone who wants to make themselves better with education.
I'm five weeks into my bachelor degree in fire science. It's been a couple of years since i attended any type of college but I think an online degree is just as good as being on campus. I've had a little trouble getting adjusted to to black board and getting back into the swing of things but over all its been a good experience.


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