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Hello All:

In a few years our department is scheduled to replace its Mack 75' Baker Aerial. We would like to investigate the possibility of removing the aerial device and placing it on a new chassis (what I call a "rechassis"). We have several concerns of which include 1) has something like this been successfully done before, 2) will a vendor actually perform the work, and 3) how long our aerial will be out-of-service.

I'd appreciate any input you'd be willing to offer. Thanks.

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Dear Sir,
There are a number of companies that rework apparatus.
Our deparment had a number of engines reworked by Emergecy One.
We have also had a tower ladder reworked by Stuphen. I apparatus was gone a number of months.
They have all worked out well,I'm sure you'll have to look at the cost vs the cost of a new ladder.
I'm not sure if Baker is still in business,I'm sure you could contact a number of company reps to get a bid on they will be able to work you through the process.
I suggest u get a committee together with your department work through the process.
Thanks - I understand that Baker is no longer in businiess and they've been purchased by another vendor. We'll be getting an advisory committee togther in the next couple of years.

In regards to your tower ladder rework, can you give me some specifics such as make, model, year etc? Also, please indicate if you've been pleased with the final product.

A department next to us had a re-chassis done a few years back. It seemed to work out well for them. A few things for your committee to look into. I test and certify aerials, make sure your insurance carrier will still cover the truck if it is re-worked. Also check with your test company, make sure they are willing to certify it past certain work preformed. Like with my company personally, I do not test aerials more than 20 years old. I do not test re-chassis. It's not that the work would be bad but the liability for us as a testing agency is huge. But there are several companies that will.

Great point. Thanks.

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