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I am looking for anyone who has an SOP/SOG on fire department stand-by's for helicopter landings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stay Safe!!


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This is not a SOP or SOG, but it is what pretty much everyone in our area bases theres on. Most of us just us this as the policy.
we don't do a lot of helicopter landings (haven't had to do one in several years in our district), so I don't know that ours are the best procedures out there, but this is what we do have, hope it helps. Aircraft emergencies are pages 18-19.

Stay Safe,

Jay Wieners
Lake Hiawatha, NJ Fire Dept.
We do 100 by 100 feet with a dedicated Engine Company with 3 firefighters on air with a charged handline.
We use an engine and our brush truck, to mark any power lines or utilities that may be close to the LZ, use one person as a navigator and ground contact person for the incoming helo, and have additional personel on standby with the medic unit that has the patient awaiting transport. Pretty basic but we do alot of helo landings, and we have yet to have a problem doing it this way. We have a class that is offered for ore personell to take that is put on by some of the off duty pilots. It lets us know what they need from us on the ground. It has been very helpful in getting the bird on the ground safely.
What we do is contact our air ambulance service and they provide free training once a year to our department, we go over all that is expected from them and what they expect from us, they also provide 4 free rides to our department personell. so I would have your training officer contact them and get it set up.
This link will take you to Erlanger Medical Center's Life Force site.
Erlanger is located in Chattanooga TN. They are the air ambulance which services my area in Georgia.
Scroll down the page at this link and you will find the procedures they recommend. These are what we
use in Summerville. We do these landings alot and these procedures work well for us.
Stay Safe!

Eddie Henderson, Captain
Summerville Fire

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