Fire Engineering Training Community

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Engines 1, 4, 6, Truck 6, Quint 1, Rescue 1, Medic 4, Safety 116, Battalion 102.

Residential fire that started on the first floor and extended to the attic through the walls. Full swings with the pickhead yielded only chipped plaster. A chain saw had to be used to open the walls and ceiling.....sometime you gotta work to find her.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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Comment by Brandon Roark on March 3, 2009 at 5:30pm
Thanks for the kind words. We are a department like every other department in the world. We have some companies that are aggressive and will get in there really fast (albeit too fast sometimes), and then we have companies that are lawn decorations, and photo ops for the local news.
This fire, one of our "bread and butter" fires was really a pain in the arse. I wasnt kidding when I said that we had to use a chainsaw just to open the walls and ceiling.
"Aggressiveness" saved a great deal of this house and most of the owners belongings.
Comment by Shareef Abdu Nur on March 3, 2009 at 10:16am
SBFD did a GREAT JOB with this fire. From the short video, it looked like it could have really got away from them, but they appeared to be aggressive and professional. GREAT STOP!

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