Fire Engineering Training Community

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Steve Corbett
  • 76, Male
  • Northampton, Massachusetts
  • United States
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Steve Corbett's Friends

  • Will Rolfe
  • Barry Aptt
  • Patrick Haskell
  • Penny McCarthy
  • Aron Buch
  • David Ebel
  • Howie Smith
  • Tom Franklin
  • Brian Gover
  • Mike Moriarty
  • John R Duxbury II
  • Bob Foley
  • Chris Madden
  • Christi Haymore
  • Sandy Lasa

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Steve Corbett's Page

Profile Information

Lives in:
Western Massachusetts
Northampton Fire (Retired) ; Massachusetts Fire Academy; Texas A+M
Captain (Retired)/ Instructor still working
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Retired Fire Captain, presently working as an instructor for Massachusetts Firefighting Academy and Texas A&M
Professional Qualifications:
NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT, Northampton, MA June 1972-March 2006
• Captain, October 1978–March 2006 (Retired)
• Acting Shift Commander, 1996-1997
• Acting Deputy Chief, 1984–87; 1990
• Firefighter, 1972–78
• Emergency Medical Technician

Fire Suppression/Protection/Prevention:
Ensure safety of diversified city with daytime population of approximately 40,000 (official population 29,000). Special circumstances include:
• Medical Facilities: large regional private hospital, Veterans Administration hospital campus, long-term care facility, several nursing homes.
• Special Needs Populations: County jail, numerous residential group homes serving de-institutionalized mental patients, mentally and/or physically disabled, recovering substance abusers, and criminals at the end of their sentence. Seven city-owned elderly/disabled housing complexes, including two high-rises. Several large public and project housing projects and cluster developments.
• Historic Districts: Several official and unofficial districts of 100-150-year-old buildings, including two densely populated downtown districts.
• Retail/Commercial/Industrial: Industrial Park, many scattered manufacturing businesses. Extensive highway and downtown business districts. railroad, airport, multipurpose county fairgrounds (used for major concerts, food festivals, etc.), and interstate highway.
• Educational Facilities: Seven Sisters college, residential school for the deaf, regional vocational high school, six public schools.

Training and Supervision:
As Shift Commander, train and supervise 2 captains and 10 firefighters assigned to three pumps and one ladder truck; responsible for crew's personal safety. Train crew in basic firefighting, hydraulics, fireground tactics, ground and aerial ladder work, all aspects of rescue (i.e., water, confined space, extrication from buildings and vehicles), hazardous materials control, and all other areas of fire suppression and rescue. Responsible for the day to day operations of the shift at two stations along with the associated paperwork. Conducts inspections in the absence of the Fire Prevention Officer. Must be familiar with the Massachusetts General Laws and Massachusetts Fire Prevention Codes, as well as the NFPA Codes.

Collateral Duties:
Supervise computer operation, conduct smoke detector, #2 fuel oil and propane/LP gas inspections, Hazardous Material Officer, , Asst. Infection Control Officer, served on Regionalized Local Emergency Planning Committee, record keeper for fire reports and forwards to State Fire Marshal’s Office , Knox Box Administrator. Member Commonwealth of Mass District 4 Hazardous Materials Response Team with extensive training in the W.M.D. Field. Extensive operations inside Level A & B Protection, in many different atmospheres.
• Instituted computerization of all fire reports.
• Instituted computerization of Tier 2 forms in CAMEO.
• Compiled two hazardous materials reference libraries.
• Wrote policies/procedures manual for infection control, hazardous materials, helicopter standby and apparatus operation.
• Wrote and had enacted City Ordinances for Key Boxes
and Hazardous Materials Spill Reimbursement.

• Level II Instructor for the following courses:
• Gas Firefighting (LP Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas) Extensive training in LNG/LPG
• Hazardous Materials Course Levels: Awareness 8 hr/Operations 24 hr/Technician 160 hr teaching others to operate in Level A & B protection
• 12-Week Basic Recruit Firefighter Training Course
• Flammable Liquids Firefighting
• Emergency Response to Terrorism-Basic Concepts-HAZMAT + EMS + Company Officer including CRBNE (B-NICE) emphasis. Dept of Public Health ICS and PPE Decon.
(SATURN) Statewide Anti-Terrorism Unified Response Network
• Infection Control for the Company Officer
• Numerous Counter-Terrorism Presentations
• Certification Exami
Topics you provide training for:
Agro Terrorism
Avian Influenza
LP Gas
Rural Water Supplies
Pumps and Hydraulics
Areas of expertise:
United States Government Agencies
Federal Bureau of Investigation/Massachusetts State Police
Bombing Investigation
32 hours June 1981
United States Drug Enforcement Agency
Clandestine Laboratory Investigation Safety
32 hours September 1990

United States Department of Transportation
Cargo Tank Roadside inspection
32 hours March 1993

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Air Monitoring for Hazardous Materials
40 hours February 1993

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Cameo Training
16 hours May 1994
16 hours December 1998

Federal Bureau of Investigation/Calif. Div. Forestry/Mass. State Police
Advanced Bomb + Explosive Investigation for
Hazardous Device/Materials Technicians
Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction
32 hours April 17-19, 2002

Department of Justice

Domestic Preparedness Equipment Technical Assistance Program
General Physics Corporation
Operation & Maintenance of the SAW Minicad mkII Chemical Agent Detector
Operation and Maintenance of the Draeger Civil Defense System
Operation and Maintenance of the Ludlum 2241-2 Radiation Response Kit
Operation and Maintenance of the MiniRAE Plus Photo Ionization Detector
Operation of the APD 2000 Chemical Agent Detector
Use of Chemical Agent Detection Materials-M8,M9,M256A1 Kits
32 hours October 2000 and October 2004

Department of Homeland Security
Center For Domestic Preparedness
Anniston, Alabama

Weapons of Mass Destruction
HAZMAT Technician Course
COBRA Chemical Ordinance-Biological-Radiation
May 20 - 24, 2003

Incident Command
June 5-9, 2005

Instructor Training Course (40 hr)
June 13-17, 2005

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Memphis, Tn

Hazardous Materials Specialist- WMD
10 July 2003

New Mexico Tech
Energetic Materials Research and Testing
Socorro, New Mexico

Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings
Technical Operations Course 32 hours
29 July 2003 - 1 August 2003

Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing Investigations
Technical Course 36.5 hours
29 Nov 2004 - 3 December 2004

National Center for Exercise Excellence
Nevada Test Site, Bechtel Nevada

Radiological/Nuclear Course for HAZMAT Technicians
15-18 September 2003
Louisiana State University
Public Safety WMD Response-Sampling Techniques & Guidelines
Technician Level
22-24 March 2005

Dugway Proving Ground
Dugway Utah

Advanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course
40 Hours
12-16 September 2006

Kirkwood Community College

Cedar Rapids, IA

Agricutural Terrorism - Master Trainer
Avian Influenza - Master Trainer
25-27 March 2008

Training by National Fire Academy

Initial Fire Investigation
40 hours September 1997

Hazardous Materials Tactical Considerations
80 hours November 1985

Hazardous Substance Specialist
120 hours December 1986

Hazardous Materials Response Team Specialist
December 1986

Incident Command System
16 hours March 1992

Infection Control for Emergency Response Personnel
The Supervisors Role
16 hours October 1994

Incident Safety Officer
16 hours October 1995

Emergency Response to terrorism
Strategic Considerations for Command Officers
16 hours May 2002

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts
Donahue Institute

Chief Fire Officer Management Program
80 hrs June 1996

Criminal Justice Training Program

Train the Trainers Instructors Course
32 hours May 1984

Massachusetts State Police Academy

Advanced Arson School
80 hours October 1980

Basic Photography
40 hours December 1980

Advanced Photography
40 hours March 1981
FAA Aircraft Accident Investigation
16 hours April 1995

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy

Automatic Sprinkler Systems
12 hours March 1976

Flammable Liquids
12 hours July 1980

Hazardous Materials
6 hours December 1985

Hazardous Materials Pesticides
12 hours December 1985

Incident Command Special Hazards
12 hours March 1986

HAZMAT Transportation A Unified Approach
6 hours November 1996

HAZMAT Special Protective Clothing
15 hours July 1989

Massachusetts Fire Incident Reporting System
24 hours January 19
Joined Northampton FD in June 1972, Captain 1978, various stints as Acting Deputy Chief and retired in March 2006 as a Captain.

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 11:09am on October 23, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Please allow me to invite you to the group called Unique HazMat Incidents. I will be presenting this at 2009 FDIC and would love to hear some of your thoughts. We are currently talking about some real interesting issues.
Todd McKee
At 3:38pm on May 6, 2008, Sandy Lasa said…
Steve, after reading your bio and quals. I feel so under qualified just being able to talk to you
At 6:27pm on May 4, 2008, Barry Aptt said…

I like the hair. Makes you look younger!
At 7:39am on April 23, 2008, Penny McCarthy said…
Hello Steve,
Good News! Last week I was cleared to drive the Engines. Monday we got a call and I was the Driver for Engine #1 (first due). It was an experience that I will never forget and I owe it all to people like you. Thanks for the support .
Take Care and be Safe
At 10:59pm on April 12, 2008, David Ebel said…
Hi Steve,

Good to meet you.

I have met so many that were not asking for help till they melt down for fear that the responder would be seen as weak or "unstable"...

Now it is a daily part of what I do...helping others work through what they need to move beyond the moment.

Please consider joining the site and then share it with others.


At 8:26pm on April 12, 2008, David Ebel said…
At 11:33am on April 6, 2008, John R Duxbury II said…
All I can say is wow. I had to read this twice to see who it was. The wife does not think that this is you the same guy that did her haz-mat class and wanted root beer,
At 6:09pm on March 31, 2008, Mike Moriarty said…
Hey Steve,what that your high school grad picture?? You look like a young kid without the stash..
At 12:07pm on March 31, 2008, Chris Madden said…
wow steve, that bio sure does match your picture.

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