Fire Engineering Training Community

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Phil Jose
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Phil Jose's Friends

  • Kevin Shea
  • Beth Kershner
  • Eileen Brennan Cress
  • Shawn Longerich
  • Aaron Patterson
  • Mark Mandella
  • Dave Gallagher
  • Michael M. Dugan
  • Robert Moran
  • John F. Sullivan
  • jc_murphy_firedog
  • Ed Hadfield
  • Josh Materi
  • Bobby Noel
  • Ronald A. Moniuk

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"Check out my weekly FB post on the SBSK page. HERE:"
Oct 21, 2020
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Oct 20, 2020
Phil Jose joined Chief Anthony Kelleher's group

"Outside The Box" Engine Company Operations

Engine Company work is often viewed as easy or not as fulfilling as "Truck Company work". This is absolutely not the case and some very "high speed" Engine Companies go to work everyday in very tough and arduous environments. They are only successful by relying on their relentless training, personal experiences and hunger to progress in the engine world.This group is geared toward Engine Company tactics that use "outside the box" thinking to accomplish. Its purpose is to exchange information…See More
Oct 20, 2020

Profile Information

Lives in:
Pocatello, ID
Seattle Fire Department (RET)
Deputy Chief, Operations
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Topics you provide training for:
Instructor Development, The Art of Reading Smoke, Tactical Decision Making, Air Management,
Areas of expertise:
Instructor Development, Tactical Decision Making, Art of Reading Smoke
Web site:

Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 12:57am on June 12, 2009, Josh Materi said…
Thanks for the taking the time after class the other day. Would love to pick it up where we left off sometime. Thanks again.

Josh Materi
At 3:16pm on May 8, 2009, Eileen Brennan Cress said…
PS-hope you don't mind I added the picture of "Seatle's Best" on here....just missing Steve though....
At 6:48am on May 8, 2009, Eileen Brennan Cress said…
Thanks for the greeting Phil...yes, a proud moment for sure. This was the morning after returning from FDIC, don't look too close you'll find the "bags under my eyes". LOL I am waiting for my morning update on those of late last night things were getting worse. Never thought half my family would be evacuating home due to wildfires...that's just crazy. My brother sent some pics from his phone...I'll try to put them up if I can figure it out...I'm not good at this"techno" stuff. But most importantly...they are keeping a good attitude and following evac orders. I'll keep you posted. I am hoping some Florida FF will need to brush up on their Air Management skills I can have you guys over for dinner! Great to see you in your gear...and at FDIC. Congrats again on that promotion!
Stay safe..and in touch!.
At 11:22pm on April 26, 2009, Nick Morgan said…
Hey Phil,
It was good meeting you, Mike, and Casey at FDIC. The book on Air Management is great, I look forward to trying to get some of it implemented in my own FD.

Stay safe!

At 10:32pm on April 21, 2009, Dan J. Marshall said…
Phil, great class today. Appreciate the hard work you've done for the fire service. Dan
At 3:24am on March 20, 2009, Shane Furuta said…
Hey Boss! Congrats on the promotion, I didn't realize you left the Truck... One more month till FDIC, I can't wait. I'll be sure to find you and say hello. Stay Safe Bro! Aloha -Shane
At 12:07pm on February 5, 2009, Mark Mandella said…
Thanks, Chief, I'm glad to be here. This looks like a great site.
At 7:49pm on February 3, 2009, Dave Gallagher said…
nice photo... just what you needed to make you look taller....
At 2:07am on June 13, 2008, David Ebel said…
Hi Phil,

Please allow me to introduce you to our special site for responders. It was designed for firefighters and other responders by responders. It is a great place to meet and have fun, join discussions and forums, play games and just have fun on good days. When you have a "bad call" it is a safe place to vent, debrief or let it all out to others that are there for you. Many of those here are trained in CISM and are peer counselors. Others are skilled at even more knowledgeable levels ... all here for you or your friends when needed. With over 25 years of firefighting and chaplaincy I can appreciate the need for as sight that is safe and helpful

Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
Chaplain David Ebel
Bakersfield, CA
At 8:31am on May 2, 2008, Michael Posner said…
Hey Phil,
We do have a 4 hour version that we teach to our Officer Development Class. It is identical to the Indy class minus the workshop, maybe 4 1/2 hours.

Stay safe.

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