Fire Engineering Training Community

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Billy lewis's Comments

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At 1:58pm on May 23, 2009, Todd McKee said…
Dear Friend,

Please allow me to invite you to the group called HazMat Placards to Success. This group will allow firefighters to discuss a step by step process for a Hazardous Materials response. From the firefighter to the hazmat technician. The first step has been posted in the group, with many more steps to come.

Thank you!
Todd McKee
At 5:22pm on March 15, 2009, Josh Materi said…
Hey Brother, hows Sac City? Still want to make it down and ride with you guys. I am in drill school again, life is Good. Talk with you later
At 1:17am on February 23, 2009, SHANE SMITH said…
Hey Brother,

Good times in Diego.. you guys are a great bunch.
At 5:38pm on February 21, 2009, Dave Gallagher said…
Great meeting you Billy... glad you liked it... looking forward to Maine...
Be Safe
At 12:13am on February 20, 2009, Sven Schievink said…
Great seeing you again Bro....You were the smarter one last night! Paid for it today! Cya in Maine!
At 9:08pm on January 24, 2009, Chad Berg said…
Looking forward to hooking up in SD brother. Can we take a few days off from the PT program?
At 9:49pm on December 23, 2008, Chad Snyder said…
Hey Billy! Not sure about SD yet Im a new proby again... So I hope to sneek down there for a few days. Ill make sure to let you know
At 11:23pm on December 7, 2008, julio reyes said…
Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
At 7:38pm on October 23, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Please allow me to invite you to the group called Unique HazMat Incidents. I will be presenting this at the 2009 FDIC and would love to hear what you have to say.
Todd McKee
At 1:39am on October 11, 2008, Daryl Liggins said…
Thanks for the comment Billy. I hope your guys are recovering from their burn injuries. It's a reminder of how dangerous the job can be.
At 4:01pm on August 3, 2008, Chad Berg said…
Billy.........Is this neon?

1983 called, and they want there "background" back.
At 1:11am on July 1, 2008, Chad Berg said…
I'm counting down the few days left brother!

Build it, and they will come!
At 10:31pm on June 30, 2008, Sven Schievink said…
Hope to see you at Convention Brother, Should be a Great Time
At 7:46am on June 24, 2008, Chad Berg said…
Great to see you on here brother! Do you realize we are only 2 weeks away from the convention? Looking forward to seeing you guys brother.

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