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Ben Fleagle's Comments

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At 11:01am on October 23, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Please allow me to invite you to the group called Unique HazMat Incidents. I will be presenting this at 2009 FDIC and would love to hear some of your thoughts. We are currently talking about some real interesting issues.
Todd McKee
At 12:49pm on October 13, 2008, Tim Kelahan said…
We missed you there. Next time right - got your request in already I hope!
I'll figure out a way to get you guys down here .
We are headed to S.C . to the beach this July - can you get away?
At 12:47pm on October 13, 2008, Tim Kelahan said…
Tari doing well - went back to work today
Not all gone though - think we will be dealing with this for a long term -
At 4:08pm on October 3, 2008, Casey Johnson said…
It was good to see all the Brothers from your neck of the woods last week in Juneau, too bad you couldn't make it. Consider Anchorage Next Year? AFD is hosting the conference.

Were trying to get our FOOLS chapter set up and I'll probaly be giving you a call for some much needed advice.
At 12:43pm on October 3, 2008, Tim Kelahan said…
Brother Ben -
Good to see all your boys in Juneau.
Glad we had the chance to talk the other day.
Met Bobby in juneau also good contact there.
Still contemplating the whole conversation about getting out - we'll have to see what happens.
Long live the F.O.O.L.S.
At 5:17pm on September 25, 2008, Chris Wood said…
Still a probie. Feb 20th is the due date. Its a long, long year.
At 10:14am on September 25, 2008, Casey Johnson said…
Hey Capt.,

Good to hear from you. Were down in gonna make it at all?
At 12:55pm on September 22, 2008, Tom Bouthillet said…
Thanks for the comment! I see you are from Fairbanks. I taught a 3-day cardiac workshop at the Tanana Valley Campus last December (for Guardian Flight) and met some really nice people. I've been to AK twice and both times I was struck by how friendly everyone was. Stay safe!
At 2:52pm on September 15, 2008, Jeremy Stocker said…
Class is going good, it hard, but very rewarding. I was class leader for a week, there is a different person each week. THIS IS THE BEST PROFESSION EVER. Stay warm.
At 3:05pm on September 14, 2008, Rob Fisher said…
I have humbled you? Are you kidding me?

9-11 "Greater Love Hath No Man" is one of the greatest pieces I've read in a long while. Your ability to describe the feeling inside you is remarkable. That piece humbled me.

I think the recruits really felt what you were trying to explain. And, I really think they know exactly how serious some of us take this question.

It's good to hear from you brother. Hope all is well up there in the tundra. Can't wait to meet up again with you.

At 11:29pm on September 13, 2008, Chad Berg said…
Hello.....Hello...............It looks like the Captain is up surfing, huh?

What's up brother?
At 7:27pm on September 12, 2008, Doug Price said…
Thankx Ben, I will take all the learning i can get from u guys. I have learned alot since being here just by reading all the different things on here. Thanks for sharing ur knowledge for people new to trainig like me to find and learn.
At 11:14am on September 11, 2008, Julie Simmons said…
I hope to see the column published elsewhere. It's really good.
At 5:21pm on August 29, 2008, Kevin Schroeder said…

I have too many questions regarding the layout of your rescue scenario, the force vectors for the operation, trouble picturing the anchor plate, etc. to comment intelligently about the specifics. But, we have done similiar preplaced anchor points in some of our industrial settings. We have used purchased and certified anchor points and then have them installed according to the manufacturers instructions to ensure their safety ratings. You can buy certified anchors from most industrial suppliers in many different weight ratings. If you are having anchors made, make sure they are designed by an engineer, built by certified welders, and installed as designed. Usually the engineering company that designed it can provide you with the documentation on its weight rating. Another consideration based off of your location in Alaska is the maintenance of the anchor points. They will have to maintained to prevent rust, degradation of the concrete where the bolts are installed, etc. Weather does a number on steel and concrete in harsh environments. Sorry I am not more help. Best of luck and stay safe!!
At 2:07pm on August 25, 2008, Josh Materi said…
Hows your Dad doing? Hope he is recovering well and back working on his pianos again. Let me know if they need anything.

At 5:42pm on August 24, 2008, Ben Marler said…
Hey, Brother. I got to thinking about your last message you left me about how things are up your way. A buddy of mine just made Training Chief in Auburn,AL. They have a student program very similiar to yours and he may be able to provide some insight into some of the same problems they have run into over the years, or someone to bounce some ideas off of. Its been over 10 years since I've worked there, so........I may be a little rusty with the program. He'd be your best bet. Let me know if you want his info. Take care. FTM-PTB. FarSouth Ben.
At 11:26pm on August 21, 2008, Brandon Roark said…
So i had an epiphany tonight and it came at the most unopportune time, on our third fire of the day. The epiphany is this, it really is a bad idea to, in the middle of a right handed search, sneeze in your mask. Because it will unseat the nose cup and then deposite mucus all up the inside of face piece. Smoke conditions are one thing, snot conditions are a whole other ballgame!

I am good though, we have been staying really busy for about the past 5 rounds. economy goes down fire volume goes up. I guess its the silver lining around a dark cloud.

I got to see josh novinska up in milwaukee last week. I just keep crossing paths with the brother. Good guy, i like his attitude.

So how are things up north? whats new? You got any more trips planned to the outside anytime soon?

I will get that shield off to you this weekend.
At 10:09pm on August 17, 2008, Eric Hankins said…
Yes please do... We welcome your input. If it gets too bad, we'll let you know!!! Just kidding Brother.
At 7:31pm on August 14, 2008, Austin Lindsey said…
OK OK you win. I'm jealous of your fire. What does it look like again. I think it's orangish and it flickers right. it's been so long since i have had hose or a tool in my hand at a fire it's not even funny. Damn D/O position. pumping sucks after 10 minutes of being on scene. Sorry I haven't called cap still really busy. I'll try here in the next few days.
At 11:04am on August 9, 2008, Chad Berg said…
Nice work brother!

You guys pulled one out? Give me the details.

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