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Anthony Avillo's Comments

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At 5:51am on May 9, 2012, Michael Dombroski said…

Hi Anthony

Sincere crongratulations on your instructor of the year award.  Your efforts and enthusiasm have extended across the globe to make us all better at what we do.

At 1:18am on May 5, 2012, Lt.Richard Sartorio M.D. said…

Chief Anthony!

From Paraguay, South America, Congrats on your Instructor of the Year award!!!!!!!

At 9:04pm on April 29, 2012, Elliot Belote said…

Chief, Congrats on your Instructor of the Year award. It has been an honor to learn from you at Monmouth County and NJCU! Hoping to see you at graduation this year.

At 3:04pm on January 12, 2011, Andrew Berg said…

Hi Anthony,

Toronto Fire Services has used this Mayday procedure since 2007.  We change channels on transmission of a Mayday and it can only be done by Incident Command.  It is not an automatic move as we use repeated channels and have both a simplex and digital system.  Based on what is being used and type of fire - High Rise vs. Structural/Residential or even Subway our channels are dictated by certain incidents because of radio strength and transmission capability.  We do not encourage more than 2 channels as we have found FF's lose track of which sector has which channel.  TFS recently used this system on Jan 3rd where we managed to resuce 2 FF's who fell into a burning 3 story structure. Everything else you mentioned is exactly the same in regards to who stays on what channel.

Andrew Berg

Acting Captain

Toronto Fire Services

At 5:09am on January 12, 2011, Edouard Dervichian said…

Hi Anthony. Thank you for responding.

At first I would like to know about the radio technology; the kind of radio that you use; the frequency of each of the three channels; are you operating with push-to-talk in simplex, semi-duplex; the channel power, etc. since none of this information can be taken for granted as it is too easy to elicit the wrong requirements for communicating on the fireground. Thank you for your inputs

At 7:49pm on August 24, 2010, Michael Dombroski said…
Hi Anthony, hope all is well.
My scholarship to the USA has been approved and I'd like to visit your department. The dates have been brought forward to October this year to line up with an event in Europe. Is this going to be possible? I've now got such short notice to tee things up with people.

Mike D - New Zealand.
At 11:36am on November 26, 2009, Jeff Bergstrom said…
Thanks this has been very helpful
Happy Thanksgiving
Stay safe
At 11:03am on October 7, 2009, Rick Fritz said…
The new Basics book looks great!
At 4:40pm on September 15, 2009, Noel Marti said…
There is a written component to the exam which accounts for 40% of your overall score and there is also a practical scenario where they give you a fire scenario and you have to hit certain benchmarks in allotted time (12 min?). The practical portion is 60% of the overall grade.
At 4:15pm on September 15, 2009, Noel Marti said…
Any suggestions for practical scenarios?
At 4:14pm on September 15, 2009, Noel Marti said…
It's for a promotional exam that I am taking and I studied it last year. This year they are using your new 2nd edition and I'd hate to read it all over again since I had already made note cards. Not to say that I don't like reading your books...LOL but it would save a lot of time if I just knew the changes.

From Miramar Florida. Thank you very much for you rapid response Chief. Excellent book. look forward to attending one of your seminars in the near future. Once again....thank you!
At 11:51am on September 15, 2009, Noel Marti said…

Wanted to know if there is any way we can look up the changes from the 1st edition to the 2nd edition of the Fireground Strategies book?


Lt. Marti
At 2:23pm on August 4, 2009, John B Renner IV said…
thanks for the welcome, I wish I knew about this site earlier on. the training videos on here are really good. Duck is not near Durham, but you're right about the outer banks. stay safe brother!

At 8:57pm on April 29, 2009, Matt Thomson said…
Found the Terra Haute video, thanks!
At 10:15am on April 29, 2009, Matt Thomson said…
Thanks again Chief.
At 10:28am on April 28, 2009, Nick Morgan said…
Hi Chief,
No, the book is not used here, though I wish it were. I used John Norman's book in the past to help prepare me for the assessment center; and if I have to go through it again I'll use yours too. It can't hurt!

Stay safe!
At 11:19pm on April 26, 2009, Nick Morgan said…
Hey Chief,

Sorry I missed your class at FDIC. I heard it was great. Too many good classes to choose from this year. LOL! Your book is great, lot's of good info that will apply here in St Louis.

Stay safe!

At 4:04pm on April 25, 2009, Shane Furuta said…

It was a pleasure meeting you... Thanks again on a fantastic class. I'll let you know as soon as I get through that giant text you just wrote. Keep up the great work you are doing for the fire service. Aloha Brother- Shane
At 1:11am on April 12, 2009, Don Huneke said…
Chief. Great topic you posted about Freelancing. I got on my soap box on that one. I hope my response sparked as much thought as your topic did. Stay Safe (EGH)
At 9:44pm on March 5, 2009, Phil Jose said…

Just sent you a friend request. We met when you were here in Seattle and had lunch together talking about vert vent of a truss construction.

I wanted to reach out and see if you have some insight into differences in construction feature that can help identify whether a flat roof building has a cockloft/attic space and/or when there is no space but just ceiling/insulation in the rafter space/and roof deck.

We have a lot of buildings with both types of construction and we recently had a top floor fire with a mis-identification of a cockloft where there was none. Significant difference in fire spread potential and resource allocation. No harm done but I would like to train the crews on how to quickly differentiate between the two.

Thanks a bunch.

Phil Jose

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