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John Salka's Comments

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At 3:42pm on August 6, 2008, Scott Thompson said…
Howdy Chief:
The boys and I are heading out to watch the Rangers beat the Yankees tonight...again, and I thought about you and just wanted to take a minute to say hi. Hope all is well and we will see you in Texas soon.

At 11:34am on June 23, 2008, Richard Michitsch said…
I wanted to thank you for writing your book “First In, Last Out. Outstanding book so far. I am a new officer in my Volunteer Department and have found that your book can be applied to both the fire service, as well as, my regular job.
Thank you!
DON’T be the next one, BE safe!
At 8:19pm on June 13, 2008, Ron Becknell said…
I just learned you will be speaking at the SC Firefighters' Association Conference. I am hoping to get a chance to meet you there. I am thrilled that the SCFA has finally elevated its conference to the level it is this year, I only hope it continues.
At 6:04pm on May 11, 2008, Barry Aptt said…
Chief, welcome. I have seen you many times and met you once in MA and RI during training seminars. I am looking forward to seeing your seminar in August in Duxbury, MA. I own your book already .. but looking forward to getting it signed.
At 4:02pm on April 29, 2008, John Aldrich said…
CHIEF, just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the support you have given fire departments from coast to coast. good luck with all you do in the future.
be safe out there!
At 6:57am on April 26, 2008, Shane Furuta said…
Chief, you put on another great class in Indy this year. I'll be sure to keep in touch. Hopefully we can get you down here soon!

Aloha -Shane
At 8:55pm on April 12, 2008, Rob Gaylor said…
Chief again I wanted to say thanks. I attended a couple of classes this year at FDIC. I told you about the email a couple of years ago. Thanks maybe some of that information will give someone enough knowledge to keep them a little safer.
At 8:19pm on April 3, 2008, Rich Thode said…
Chief, Don't let Halton see that loaner car. It's smaller than his. Thanks again for the Bridgeport class.
At 7:39am on April 3, 2008, Jake Oreshan, III said…
I was in the Chief Officer class last week in Colonie. As usual, you hit the mark. I was very pleased to see you again(although I'm sure you don't remember me). I hope to keep in touch, and give you a shout when I am teaching near the city again. Thanks again.
At 8:31pm on March 30, 2008, Stephen Mickiewicz said…
Chief, joined up, hope to see you at indy.
At 7:39pm on March 29, 2008, Joel Thacker said…
Are you interested in speaking to my department one night during FDIC?I know you are busy but if there was a night that you had available we would love to have you. We are located approx. 15 minutes due south of downtown Indy. If interested, let me know what night and a cost.


At 5:52pm on March 28, 2008, Mike Walker said…
Hey Chief

Sorry to hear about the High-rise fire that sent 30 of yours to the hospital. Hope all ends up well.

God Bless
At 5:59pm on March 26, 2008, Shawn Russell said…
Ill be at FDIC hope to meet you while there I'm hoping to attend yours and Chief Laskys class.
At 4:50pm on March 25, 2008, Mike Walker said…
Concerning your preplans; I assume they are divided up by Occupancy Type? If so is there anyway I can see copies of them?
At 2:56pm on March 25, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Chief Salka: Are there any good sites that my crew could visit and train on for leadership? We would like drills we could do to work together as our shift got rearranged and we are all new working together. Thanks
At 2:52pm on March 25, 2008, Jim Duffy said…
Hey John
Did you get e-mail
The download time is limited if you did not get let me know?
Ps I love the passion in your responses about Degrees
At 8:55am on March 23, 2008, Joel Thacker said…
Do you feel the chief of department should have a degree or do you feel that the course work offered around the county is enough?
At 8:21pm on March 22, 2008, Gerald "Jerry" Tracy said…
Hi John
The results of the research were more then we expected. We are formulating training segments for our Chief Officers, High Rise units; selected units issued HR Nozzles, etc. The entire department will be issued DVD’s and will eventually attend training that will explain in detail the scope of the live fire research, concept of stairwell pressurization and the enhanced fire ground efficiency and safety it will provide as never before. The alternate approach of “Taming the Dragon” or reducing the Blow Torch conditions with use of a (WCD’s) Wind Control Devices (Blanket or Curtain) and High Rise nozzles has proven to be very effective in conjunction with stairwell pressurization. I have heard that on some internet pages the HR nozzle has been referred to as the “Coward Stick”. I’m sure we can both agree whom ever they are WE know they have never been in the hallway approaching a Wind Driven Fire! In their best fantasy they wouldn’t make it, unless they actually wanted to go to the hospital for us to recognize that they really are A**#$%@&. We would wish they get the best of care including treatment of an experienced proctologist.
Brooklyn Poly and NIST will be reviewing the data and hope to publish the final and comprehendible results by the end of the year. Dan Madrzykowski and Steve Kerber of NIST should both be at the FDIC in Indy. I hope to share some of the information during the High Rise workshop myself and Jack Murphy will offer on the Monday and Tuesday at FDIC.
At 6:00pm on March 22, 2008, Joel Thacker said…
Chief Salka,

Thanks for the college for chief's blog. In my department we just recently established a requirement for an individual to have completed an associates degree in order to be eligible for the position of battalion chief. This requirement was not added to help the individual manage incidents better but manage personnel and department divisions better. Our battalion chief's either manage a division or have additional administrative duties. I believe the work completed in a degree program can assist an individual with many areas of fire service departmental management.

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