Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

Maybe some of you would not understand the happines, but for us, firefighters from a country that doesn't spend much on Fire equipment, we are very very happy. Yesterday, on a cold, rainy morning, Miraflores 28th Fire Station received the new pumper truck, a new truck in 28 years! We didn't care about the cold weather, we were so exited to jump inside the truck and sound the horn to demostrate everyone in the city our entusiasm. We received this new Pierce truck from the major as a petition from the people from the district, Miraflores, who understood that better prepared firefighters, respond better to emergencies.
And the good thing is the Major promised this year the City Hall will buy us a Rescue Truck, isn't it great?
Hope you will be happy for us....for me! Your firefighter friend from Peru.

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Comment by Terrell Ogilvie on August 13, 2008 at 10:03pm
Congratulations! A new apparatus, new or used, is always a reason to celebrate. Your community will be as proud of it as your department will because it will give everyone a source of pride! Enjoy it and be safe! Stand tall and proud...again, congratulations!

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