Fire Engineering Training Community

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Here is a simulation of a MAYDAY occurring in a Type III "Main Street" building, we do so much to try and avoid a MAYDAY and rightfully so, but how much does a command chief work on as far as preparation? I cringe when I hear fellow command level officers state that they are prepared to face a MAYDAY, no one is totally prepared no matter how experienced and confident one may be.

There are so many scenarios that could occur such as collapse, disorientation, flashover, etc. and an easy way to at least begin the preparation to command a MAYDAY is through the use of the same simulation exercises we utilize for size up.

Below is a video of a realistic MAYDAY that can and has occurred in our profession, two disoriented/lost firefighters  Play it out in front of your crews and utilize your department's staffing, procedures, etc.

Be Safe and PREPARE

Views: 1051


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