Fire Engineering Training Community

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"Residential Recognition - Take off the blinders!"

"All our senses must be on alert. We must use all our five senses to gather intelligence about the bigger picture, then attempt to validate the smaller tactical pieces to make sure the outcome is what is anticipated. We must absolutely resist the temptation
to put the blinders on and run like a moth to a flame in our tactical decision making." Chapter 21, Page 239

Our success hinges on many factors and one of the most important is how sharp our habits are before the fire. We formulate proper habits by identifying as many obstacles we will face before the fire and coming up the plan to overcome it. One of the best ways to build this catalogue is to seize every incident as a drill opportunity. 

In this picture, what looks like a bi-fold door in the kitchen that most likely leads to a pantry is actually the basement door. The homeowner didn't want to the door to the basement to swing open and block the entrance to the adjoining room. His solution was to cut the door and make it bi-fold thus lessening the swing. His solution is our obstacle when trying to find the basement stairs at 0200 under tense conditions in a working fire. Use every call as an opportunity to evaluate your playing field for successful performance.

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