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I got a lot of views to the last blog but only 2 with the courage to tell us what he would do.  Thanks Charlie and Justin.  Here are some of their comments . (Remember, these comments are for the last Blog and not the one below.  Do not get confused.  “From the outside we are looking at nothing more than a MODERN style split ranch, so to start our search we are going to start a right hand search towards the sleeping quarters due to time and day. With a three man Engine crew (officer,2 FF) the officer would preferably stage his oriented search from the hallway after sweeping the great room with his TIC on his/her way through. The wide open floor plan would allow our search officer and Attack officer to get a preliminary all clear of the great room, dining room and kitchen. I'd like to see one FF take each bedroom and the Officer could sweep the bathroom from the hallway. Both FF's would search the master bedroom allowing one to hit the closet and master bath. The crew would then preform a proper primary search of the dinning room, kitchen and great room on the way out, most likely in that order.”

" I'd perform a right hand search of the fire floor . The hose crew I assume , would be heading to the kitchen area and can search along the way . We work on 2 person pieces , so in zero visibility we stay together . Once visibility and fire condition improves we can separate more has long as we can keep in contact .")

Those are the kind of comments I am looking for.  Exactly where and how you would search.

So for this next scenario below, lets again assume it’s 0630 hours on a Sunday morning.

Here is a link to the video showing you the fire conditions and exterior of the house.

Your company is assigned to Search. The first in engine company has already stretched a line in through the front door.  One firefighter of that crew is again, assigned to “Door Control” until the fire is located and darkened. 

Explain how you would completely search this house using the floor plan below.  Please cover if the searcher(s) would search together as with the standard search or if you would conduct more of an Oriented Search.  If that is the case, state where the Oriented Person would position him/herself. 

Views: 1512


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Comment by Jon Nickerson on March 27, 2014 at 12:32pm

I agree with the search technique that Grant described below. Just to add something different, if I were running this scene, I would prepare to deck gun that garage while a crew checks the door between the garage and house and pulls some ceiling above to check for extension. I would want to make sure we have this fire in check so it doesn't get behind my searchers. But Grant laid it out perfectly how to search that house effectively!

Comment by Grant Schwalbe on March 27, 2014 at 12:21pm

Running with 3 man engine...360,. By video looks that windows or doors on C side are open due to smoke conditions.  I am guessing interior doors are open as well.  We'd enter front door (3) and head for C-D bedrooms first (determined by reading windows on 360).  Oriented search with LT in hallway checking conditions and maintaining voice contact.  Dumping FF 1 in Master, FF2 in BR2 and keep leapfrogging rooms between FF 1 and 2 until back into Family room.  LT maintains wall and voice/TIC contact with FF's directing the search of the common areas.  Family room>kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room then back to hall and Den.  Video looks that fire is in garage so I will assume the Attack is in garage and can do a hasty search of garage once we have knockdown.

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