Fire Engineering Training Community

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Spring is here and it’s time to do a little spring cleaning but, be careful what you ask for. Would it be interesting to tell the 1 year rookie to “get rid of everything that doesn’t get used anymore” and then see what ends up at the dumpster? Along with the items shown in the picture might also be conversation, common sense, station cookware and boxes of unfinished projects. While many things should change as our profession progresses some basic fundamental social activities should remain including meal time.

Can you tell crew dynamics by which stations cook and eat together?

Is there regular activity and conversation around the kitchen table or is everyone separated and scattered throughout the station glued to a television, computer or phone?

Is the dust on the station training manuals thicker than the dust behind the Capt’s desk?

Have the guys ever seen the chief actually put bunker gear on?

So do we just make sure the cobwebs are removed from the corners in those high to reach places or help remove a little stale complacency that we ALL have.

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