Fire Engineering Training Community

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To break or not to break? That was the question...

Interesting fire a few days back in a manufactured home. Moderate case of "Colliers Mansion" throughout made the stretch tough. Heavy smoke conditions enveloped the structure upon arrival with no visible fire showing. Definitely in a "ventilation-limited" state. As I got a quick C side view prior to making entry for back up fire attack, I was able to feel significant heat from a fractured window and spot the location of the fire bedroom. Fire attack was calling for ventilation and I could hear the insistence in his tone as I was in a prime location to provide it. Oh to break or not to break the window was an interesting internal debate! Crew in the hallway making their way to the fire and calling for vent. Front door has been open for a few minutes and conditions match throughout. Standard horizontal ventilation procedures call for locating the fire, check, taking the window to the fire bedroom and voila', things get better. Right? Or because of the new found education I've received from the NIST and UL studies regarding flow paths and door control, do I refrain? This was the dilemma. Want to know what I did? Check out the pics and give me your thoughts?   

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Comment by Nick Ledin on September 2, 2013 at 11:30am
Thanks for the info Colin.
Comment by Colin Kelley on September 2, 2013 at 11:14am

@Nick Ledin, a little follow up. I did not break the window. Fire Attack was in the hallway leading to the fire and no they did not open the nozzle! Interesting phenomena occurring with our younger members. Where our older, veteran firefighters would not open the nozzle until they saw open flaming, I have seen an upsurge in our younger, inexperienced firefighters becoming fearful of opening the nozzle without the officers consent. Even when the officer is sometimes 3 back on the line and not in the best position to see or experience the same conditions that the nozzlemen is seeing and experiencing! When in doubt, open the nozzle. 

Comment by Nick Ledin on August 30, 2013 at 10:19pm
Collin, tell us more...was the attack team flowing or ready to flow? Did you vent? What happened? If the attack team is calling for vent, my assumption would be that they are ready to flow or already flowing (coordinated attack/vent).

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