Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

So many times I hear "Why do we have to train?" or "Why is it so important?". When I hear these comments I can't help but get upset and mad. But I have had to remind myself numerous times that when I hear things like this it is my job to change those "Attitudes". We must do "Whatever it takes" to make sure we are ready to answer the call when the bells go off. Training is what keeps us as firefighters safe and ready to do our jobs better and more effectively. Yes there is always that chance of dying or being injured but training reduces those chances. We have an obligation to the people we serve to be at our very best and trust me sitting around on your butts at the firehouse watching Jerry Springer isn't helping you do that, we can't fight fires with Ninja stars! Everyday should be a training day. You should strive each day to learn something, it doesn't matter if it is new or if it's something you already know and you are just making it better. If we don't learn something everyday we are not doing our job as a firefighter and you won't be just letting the people you protect down but you will also be letting yourself down. We teach that the number one priority on the fireground is our-self but if we don't train then we may not learn something that is critical for us to use on the next box call that could save our life. The quote below is something I try to live by and share with the students or rookies I come across.

"Let no man's ghost return to say that his training failed him."

If you are to give the ultimate sacrifice, I want your loved ones to be told it was because you chose to give your life not because you had no idea what you were doing or that you failed to do your job and train. So many times we hear that injuries and deaths in the fire service can be traced back to a lack of training. There is no excuse for that! Get off your butts because yourself, your family and those you serve are counting on you!

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Comment by Dan Rice on January 1, 2012 at 12:35am

Hit it on the head Brother

Comment by Bryan Altman on January 1, 2012 at 12:21am
Amen! It's like an epidemic. I heard McDonalds hires all the time. If you don't want to give your all then why are you doing it? Firefighters need to understand that we have an obligation to ourself, family and community to be our best and we achieve that trough training!
Comment by Dan Rice on January 1, 2012 at 12:08am

Great post! This is an evil that is running amuck through the fire service in every way! I need to know that I am well trained and the guys that might someday need to pull me out of a bad situation are trained to be the best! My wife, son, parents, and friends deserve that and so do our brothers families and friends. If you don’t like to give it 100% then by all means go get a job where you don’t need to give it your all, where you don’t need to be the best, and where you don’t need to care. Please

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