Fire Engineering Training Community

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Hey gang! I thought I'd offer a little update on the ISFSI. I was sworn in as president at FDIC a few weeks ago and WOW, what whirlwind it's been! We have a lot going on at the Society and could sure use everyone's help. I'm very lucky as President that I have such a talented Board of Directors! The guys and gals on the board have a lot of experience and passion for the job. I can't wait to see what we're able to accomplish to improve firefighter safety! I have to say a big THANK YOU to Bobby Halton, Diane Feldman and Jerry Naylis at Fire Engineering! They have been incredibly supportive and have opened some new doors for the Instructors. Starting in May, we're bringing back the VOICE! The Voice was once a publication produced by the ISFSI that ceased to exist a few years ago. This time, the Voice is coming back as a podcast to be hosted from Steve Pegram and I will host the weekly podcast and feature experts from across the country discussing the issues that challenge instructors worldwide. Our first episode will feature Forest Reeder, the 2008 George D. Post, Instructor of the Year Winner. In week two, we'll be catching up with Rick Lasky to discuss the role of the instructor and Frank Ricci will be by in week three to discuss practical training. And that's just to get us started! Another big project we're working on is the test bank for Fire Engineering's Firefighter I & II Handbook. We'll need an army of test writers for the project, so if you have experience in that area, contact Devon Wells through the ISFSI website. So the name of the game now is BALANCE! My department is doing great! I have some really great battalion chiefs that make my job really easy. I've had some time at home with the family since FDIC, which has been great. And in my spare time, (wink-wink) my band is wrapping up some studio work and the tunes are sounding great! ( We have a couple of big gigs coming up, so wish us luck! I hope everyone is doing well and staying SAFE! If you aren't familiar with the ISFSI, go to for more info. OH! We're doing a Distance Education in the Fire Service Symposium in Nashville in October, so check that out too! "Talk" to you soon! Eddie B

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Comment by Eddie Buchanan on May 6, 2008 at 12:19pm
Hey George. I don't recall any emails from spain! Make sure you hit That's the best address to get me.
Comment by George H. Potter on May 4, 2008 at 8:46am
Congratulations Eddie, It looks as though you micght be able to get ISFSI back on the right track. I sent you an e.mail some weeks ago, I hope you got it and will respond. Myself and a couple of other instructors here in Spain would look forward to adding some real international flavor to the society.

Take care over there,

George Potter

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