Fire Engineering Training Community

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I LOVE Fall!! I love everything about it, except for the allergies, of course - but even they're tolerable with the incredible beauty of a Great Lakes Autumn!!

However, seeing multi-colored leaves carpeting the ground also brings to mind the ever increasing mounds of paperwork and documentation that accompany our jobs as firefighters - whether career or volunteer. This commentary came to me while out on a country run. I saw a couple raking their leaves and they were literally up to their waist in fallen foliage. It was comical - and made for a great metaphor (always looking for a great metaphor) about the ever-present pile of paper that weighs down the firehouse desks - especially chief, inspection, and training officers.

Enjoy Fall, everyone - it goes by too quickly!!

To see more of my work or to purchase a print of this illustration, visit:


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Comment by Paul Combs on November 10, 2010 at 4:08pm
Chief Goodrich: Welcome aboard - looking forward to reading "Making the Grab" later this evening!!!

Oh, yeah, a Pulitzer would be nice!! I made the final 10 cut in 2008 with my syndicated political cartoons - so close. It's the only goal I never achieved before leaving as a daily newspaper cartoonist. But why not a fire service cartoonists? Hmmmmm....

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Comment by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on November 10, 2010 at 3:52pm
Excellent depiction.
My "vision" consists of a big shovel and a steaming pile of ....bureacracy.
By the way; love Drawn by Fire and the autographed poster that I got with it.
I wish I could nominate you for a Pulitzer.
Comment by Dan Rice on November 10, 2010 at 1:37pm
I don't know if our yards to big or rakes to small but this is taking forever
Comment by Jon D Marsh on November 3, 2010 at 3:35pm
Was just thinking about how much there is to do and wondering, where we start gasping for air !
Excellent depiction Paul ! As always, thanks for sharing your tremendous talents !
Comment by Paul Combs on November 3, 2010 at 12:03pm
Thanks, Boss!

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