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-This video was passed on to me by one of the guys at work. Take a look at it from the perspective of using it as a teaching aid and not as an opportunity to bash. There is a tremendous amount to learn from this video.
-I was shocked and in awe when I saw this but I'm interested in your comments.

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Comment by Michael Bricault (ret) on September 10, 2009 at 12:48pm
-I was very disappointed to learn that these are professional firefighters that really believe thy did a good job here.
-Sorry to sound like I'm slamming them but... if you don't want to be criticized for doing stupid things than don't do stupid stuff. And definitely don't video yourself doing dumb things.
Comment by Michael Bricault (ret) on September 8, 2009 at 6:45pm
-Aside from the lack of PPE, which is incredibly unsafe, I wanted to point out a few more items I noticed. But first it must be said that there is no excuse, other than lazy or sloppy firefighting, for any professional firefighter to be operating in the hot zone/action area in direct proximity to the fire building without PPE. No excuse.
-First, I agree with Todd using the PPV when companies are being committed to the basement is a risky maneuver at best.
-And, aside from the entry being delayed, it appears that there is a serious lack of scene control. Personnel are milling around, civilians are wandering in and out of the hot zone and there is no effort whatsoever to keep the action area clear. There is a clear potential for civilians to be injured due to their proximity to the fire building as well as being injured by equipment or hoses failing.
-Having firefighters enter the basement via the basement window is not only unsafe but the hight of dangerous firefighting. If entering the basement is problematic and the window is the only option then it logically follows that the ONLY escape route is through the same little window.
-This violates the most basic tenet of structural firefighting; firefighters must have a secondary means of escape. If firefighters are committed to the interior they must have an alternate escape plan if things go bad, which did happen in this video.
-Furthermore, what is the risk benefit analysis on this fire? Why was it necessary to commit that company to the interior of the basement via the window? Was there a trapped victim that had a greater chance of living than there was a chance of firefighters dying?
-Clearly a dynamic event has occurred and there seems to be a lack of attention toward the injured firefighter. I'm not saying people should be loosing their minds but dropping an injured firefighter on the front lawn and leaving him to fend for himself is unconscionable.
-Lastly, no one really seems to be all that impressed by the text book back draft indicators at the basement window. An indicator of a dangerous condition is not being treated with the attention that it deserves.
Comment by Todd Trudeau on September 8, 2009 at 3:17pm
I too thought there was to much manpower (a.k.a. resources) ineither incomplete PPE or none at all. I don't know the circumstances but the PPV while a crew is in the basement with what would appear very limited egress possibilities seems risky to me. The structure looks to be venting but not adequaetly or controlled IMO.
Comment by Wayne Benner Jr on September 8, 2009 at 7:34am
Thanks Chief for posting it...
Mike says"I was shocked and in awe when I saw this" ..
Well Mike I too can not believe what I saw.
First it seems as if it was a basement fire as the fire was coming from the window. But then for unknown reasons 2 firefighters enter that window? Maybe the stairs were burnt out? However I would never put men into the basement like that. If it was hard getting in what are they going to do when they need out. Well one needed to come out as he was hurt. Maybe burnt or too much smoke taken in. The point is what were they thinking. I dont know I wasnt there.

I dont want to preach or quarterback from the desk but where was the gear on some of these guys Chief or not wheres the gear? How many firefighters are we loosing to basement fires? The answer is too many. SIZE-UP and make sound decisions before sending the firefighters into battle.

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