Fire Engineering Training Community

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-Recently I received an email from Chief Halton in reference to a new literary work in reference to residential search and rescue during a fire. The work was written from an unusual perspective... it was written by the victim.
-I have read the piece and it does have some interesting teaching points that are valid to those of us that provide these services.
-Some that read it will be offended and some outraged, believing that this is a criticism of the fire service. In fact it is not a criticism but rather the observations and feelings of the victim himself and his opinions about the fire service; all things we should listen to.
-The validity of the work as a teaching tool for firefighters is in pointing out the disparity between what we believe we can do and what the victims think we can do; the differences in what we tell our communities we can do for them and what tactics we actually can perform.
-Every firefighter that has ever said, "well at least no one died", as a consolation for poor performance should read this piece as well.
-I have received permission from the author to link his page here. Other than having read the piece I have no connection to the author or the work. The work is in pdf format and can be found at
-Take the time and give it a read with an open mind. When reading it keep an open mind and avoid things like, "we would never do that, they should have, we could have rescued them".
-I think that if you keep an open mind you will learn some valuable things about the fire service.
-I'm interested in your thoughts.

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Comment by Michael Bricault (ret) on September 8, 2009 at 11:24pm
Couldn't agree more

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