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Wesley Thornton
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  • Ellen Brown
  • Josh Nichols
  • Sandy Lasa
  • Jim Miller

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Wesley Thornton's Page

Profile Information

Wilson Fire/Rescue
Years of public service:
4 1/2
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Certified Firefighter
Hazmat Certified
Topics you provide training for:
Firefighter 1&2, Live Burn Training, RIT, Extrication
Areas of expertise:
I really enjoy truck work and put a lot of study time in that area to improve my skill and to help out my fellow brothers when in need.
I have been in the fire service for about 9 years. I am a Assistant Chief on my volunteer department (Grantham Volunteer Department) in North Carolina and I have been career for about 4 1/2 years currently working with Wilson Fire/Rescue Services as a firefighter. I love my job and enjoy the brotherhood it brings to all fireman across the world. I work with a great group of guys who are very dedicated at what they do and have really helped me out a lot in my short career.

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At 10:10am on January 9, 2009, Sandy Lasa said…
Wes, I'm happy for you and your wife. Things have been busy up here, unfortunately wasn't working for the Fenway fire. Can't win them all. having a miserable winter so far, lots of snow and ice. I need to move to someplace warm like NC maybe. Stay safe. Holler at Dustin for me
At 11:18am on December 31, 2008, Sandy Lasa said…
Hey Wes,
Just Wanted to say Hi. Hope marriage is everything you thought it would be. Have a Happy and Safe New Year
At 6:42pm on November 13, 2008, Sandy Lasa said…
Hey Wes,
What's going on bro. I wish I had some god stories for you but things have been quite lately. We're catching some fires but by the time we show up the irst due have pretty much knocked it out. Bastards! Congrats on your upcoming wedlock. I wish I could give you some advice but I'm divorced so you probably don't want any advice from me. Just learn to say "YES DEAR, WHAT EVER YOU SAY" and "YOUR RIGHT AND I'M WRONG" I wish you all the best. Talk to you soon
At 2:16pm on July 20, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Welcome to the Greatest Training site in the world, this is where the serious trainers come to train and you are a part of it. How exciting is that!!!!!!! I would like to respectfully invite you to visit the group called HazMat Training and News. We are talking about some great topics and would love to hear what you have to say.
Remember be SAFE & TRAIN, as training will SAVE lives!
Todd McKee
At 4:45pm on June 2, 2008, Sandy Lasa said…
Hey Wes,
What's happening? The class in Texas was great. Lot's of work but I actually understand structual collapse better than I ever did. That's quite the place down there. They have everything. When I finally get around to downloading my pictures, I'll send a few your way. I wasn't on for the Lobster business fire but I had the train collision the night before. It took us 7 hours to extricate the operator. She was DOA but it took everything we had to get her body out. Our dept photographer took about 200 pics. I'm waiting for a copy of the disc. I'll send some of those also. What's happening in Wilson? Any go jobs. Talk to you later. Holler at the boysfor me
At 10:52am on May 11, 2008, Sandy Lasa said…
What's going on Bro? Not much up here, still waiting for weather to change. That's sad when that's all we have to look forward to. Heading for Texas this week (Texas A&M) for the structual collapse school, looking forward to it. Say hi to the boys from Wison and I'll holler at you when I get back.

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