Fire Engineering Training Community

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Ellen Brown
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Ellen Brown's Friends

  • Aaron Peters
  • Mike Elston
  • Don Huneke
  • Donovan Glade
  • Mike Salzano
  • Bruce Clark
  • Sean Eagen
  • brandon earley
  • Ira Goodstadt
  • Chris Wilson
  • Shawn P. Bittle
  • Dave Gallagher
  • Rick Decorie
  • Jeff Gallagher

Ellen Brown's Groups


Ellen Brown's Page

Profile Information

Lives in:
Cleveland, Tennessee
Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society
Membership Trustee
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Comment Wall (33 comments)

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At 9:58am on August 8, 2009, Mike Elston said…
Hey there! I'm doing well. How are things with you?
At 3:44pm on April 9, 2009, Don Huneke said…
Good news crutches gone yesterday :) Rehabing y butt off to get back to work. All my ADHD is killing me. No Cop stuff or Fire stuff must be driving my kids crazy. I am all in their business since the surgery lololololol. We have to go to Nashville for the National H.O.S.A. compettion. My oldest is #2 in the state for Forensic Medical Skills, #1 in the county and gets to compete with winners from all across the country...Hope all is well
At 7:25pm on April 7, 2009, Don Huneke said…
The knee is great !!!!!!!!!! Still stiff. Off crutches Fri :)...and I dragged into court for a trial all day...Sucked...How are you guys...Heading to TN in June with the kid to Nationals :) She is #2 in the State for Forensic Medical Skills...Oh so proud
At 11:50pm on March 1, 2009, brandon earley said…
hi miss Brown. i live in north west arkansas. i was wondering if you could start a chapter involving multiple departments or if it had to be members of the same department? if you could email me a answer and info on starting a chapter, i would appericate it. thank you.
At 11:15pm on January 5, 2009, David G. Thewlis GIFireE said…
Hi Ellen,
all's well to date. I've been working over the festive season but fairly quiet - "the calm before the storm". Hot weather hasn't really hit yet so we're still waiting!


At 7:05pm on December 25, 2008, David G. Thewlis GIFireE said…
Hi Ellen and D***,
compliments of the season to both of you from Down Under. Hope you have a safe 2009.

At 11:26pm on December 7, 2008, julio reyes said…
Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
At 11:18pm on December 7, 2008, julio reyes said…
Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
At 10:07am on October 29, 2008, Shawn Royall said…
Hey Ellen and D***! Hope all is well in the hills. I'm still learning how this profile thing works and I'm trying to add members. Give me a call, Shawn
At 9:56pm on October 17, 2008, Paul J Conway said…
Hello :)

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